Sunday, March 5, 2017

I Choose Prayer

Prayer - personal communication with God. We need to be people of prayer.
Mt 6:5-15
1. Talk to God, not to other people. v5, Lk 18:9-14.
2. Get alone. v6, if I don't ever pray alone to God, it's not okay. I need to have intimate conversation with God. v7 don't just keep babbling, slow down, take time to listen. 1 Kings 18:36-37. v8 Why should I pray? God is sovereign, and knows what we need. Prayer is not about getting God on our agenda, but about getting us on God's agenda.
3. Start with God. v9 Our Father in heaven... (Abba, Daddy) Mk 15:38 The curtain in the temple was torn in two. Hebrews: we can come boldly to God. Hallowed be thy name... revere, respect and awe of God.
4. Pray God's will. v10 If we have started with Abba, and have worshiped Him, we will be able to truly trust His will, and pray according to His will.  Jas 3:4
5. Now you. v11-13.
6. Prayer is powerful!  Jas 5:16

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