Sunday, June 30, 2013

Amazing Stories: Noah

Genesis 6, 7, 8
The story of Noah and the ark is a picture of the beauty of God's salvation
-the world was full of wickedness then and now. Gen 6:5, 11; Ps 51:5; Rom 5:12; Gen 9:29-21
-God judges sin. Gen 6:7, 13, 17; 7:21; there is another judgement day coming Rom 3:19-20
-Jesus is coming back someday soon (just like a flood)!  Mt 24:36-44; 2 Pet 3
-just like Noah, we need to be ready. Heb 11:12. We need to live as if this is true in our own lives.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Peace in the storm

Phil 4:4-9; Mt 8:23-27
- The fact that Jesus is in your boat does not exempt you from storms. You can not avoid storms. Mt 7:24-27; Jas 1:2-4
- Often, when you are in the midst of a storm, it seems as if Jesus is asleep. Jn 11:4-6, 14-15 Jesus delayed intentionally so that they may believe.
- Jesus is ordering the circumstances of your life to lead you to the place of crying out: LORD SAVE.
- He's in control of everything. We are in control of nothing. The question is: Are we going to trust the one who is in control of everything or the one who is in control of nothing? Mt 8:27, 6:25-34 The greatest times of stress come when we forget that someone who lives us is in control of everything
- On this side of eternity, there will never be a day when you don't need to trust the God who loves you.
- We must not be anxious, but cast all your cares on him 1 Pet 5:6-11

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Peace of mind

-It is impossible to have the peace of God, without being at peace with God.  Rom 5:1
-Don't be anxious about anything. Peace is the calm assurance that what God is doing is best. Anxiousness is being focused on our circumstances and our feelings.
3 things for peace:
-right praying Phil. 4:6 prayer, supplication (specific things in our world), and thanksgiving- the more we pray, the lower our anxiety will be
-right thinking Phil 4:7; 2:3; 3:8. It is far better to pray and experience the peace of God. Work on what thoughts we allow in our minds. Be more disciplined about what thoughts we allow to stay in our minds. Fight for the right thoughts. 2Cor 10:5; Isa 26:3; Phil 4:8; true - Jn 17:17, Jn 8:44, Ps 19:7-9, 119:165; noble -take the high road, think the best and don't run your mouth; just- righteous; pure- sexual connotations; lovely-pleasing; admirable,  excellence (human), praiseworthy (God)
- right living