Sunday, October 19, 2014

Rescued: Right on Time

Rom 5:12, Gen 2:25; 3:8-10, - we have fallen away from God, and are ashamed, so we wear masks to try to hide from each other and from God. We try to fix ourselves or hope that religion or other people will complete us.
The heart of the problem is the problem of the heart. The problem is not stuff on the outside, it is my heart. Rom 3:23, Mk 7:14-23
Rom 5:1; 3:21-26; 5:2-5 We can now boast in the glory of God.
Rom 5:6-8 While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
God takes delight in me, even as I continue to struggle with sin. God is crazy about me! Col 2:13-15
Run to Jesus! He loves me!

Rescued: Good grief!

1. We are broken.
2. We cannot fix ourselves. Jer 2:11-12,  We turn to ourselves and other stuff to try to fix our brokenness.
3. Jesus is the answer to our problems. He loves and delights in you.
4. A true follower of Christ will be changing. There should be a desire in us for change, to become more like Jesus. Rom 6:1-2, 6:6-7; 1Thess 4:1-3 be sanctified. If you know Jesus, you are already changed, 2Cor 5:17.
5. This change process begins with repentance. 2Cor 7:8-11.

Worldly sorrow: brings death.
- It is horizontal, it has nothing to do with God, we're just sorry we got caught.
- It is emotional not spiritual.
- It is passive, it's no big deal.

Godly sorrow: brings change.
- We see our sin. It's the story of the prodigal son. Lk 15:17.
- We feel sorrow about our sin.
- It is active and results in repentance. Ps 32:1-5, 40:1-10.
- It leads to action. Lk 19:8.
- It produces hatred for sin.

Rescued: Set free

Rom 6:1-12
1. God's grace demands that we fight against sin. v1-2 Should we continue sinning so grace will increase? NO! BUT - we often actually do this, we continue in our pet sins knowing that God is full of grace and mercy.
2. We are dead to sin. v2b However;  sinless perfection is not possible, and we do not lose our desire to sin. Gal 5:17. When Jesus rescues us, we are released from the power of sin.
3. Christ has made provision for our fight against sin. v3-8 Jesus died to save us from our sins, but he rose again so we can walk with him everyday.
4. We must make a conscious choice NOT to sin. v11-12 We need to consider ourselves dead to sin, and don't let sin control us - that's our job. Sin is not my master, Christ is my master.

Rescued: In The Beginning

God loves the broken me that I am right now, and wants to rescue me from my miserable, pathetic self.
Gen 1:1, 26-28; God created mankind.
Gen 2:25 all is well with God - beautiful verse; 3:6-9 Adam and Eve made masks to hide from God, "sin management," v8 naked and ashamed, they hid from God
Rom 5:12; 7:18-20, 24-25 Who will rescue me from my sin and death? Jesus!
We try to fix/rescue ourselves with:
- Ourselves - we can't fix ourselves
- Others - other people can't fix us
- The world - the things of the world won't fix us, they may numb us but not rescue us
- Religion - more Godly behavior does not fix us
Only the Lord can rescue us from sin and death.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Grace: Future Grace 8/30/14

1Pet. 1:13-16 Looking forward to the grace that will come to us when Jesus comes back
Our goal is to meet Jesus.  We don't think like that today, we don't pray like that.  Our mindset should be that of meeting Jesus, of being in perfect relationship with each other and with our Father.  "Therefore" - 1Pet 1:3-5 remember your salvation, remember the resurrection of Jesus and our salvation.  God's strength and power is shielding us (surrounding us like a military formation) until Jesus comes back.
Keep your mind on Jesus. v.13 "alert and fully sober" - be ready to fight, realizing that Satan wants to destroy us. 1Pet. 5:8-9.
Be holy. 1Pet 1:14-16 be obedient and holy. Titus 2:11-14 Say "no" to ungodliness and worldly passions, live self-controlled, upright and godly lives.  We are a new creation, and should live like it, and strive to look more like God every day.