Sunday, August 28, 2022

Don't Judge

1 Cor 5
Thoughts > Beliefs > Actions > Outcomes
There's a difference between being judgmental and making right judgments (discernment). 1 Cor 2:15; Rom 16:17; John 7:24
1. Judge carefully. Mt 7:1-5. Do not be hypocrites. Consider the authority by which we are judging. Is it God's Word?
2. Judge objectively. Not influenced by self or suppositions. 1 Cor 4:5a; Prov 18:13, 17
3. Judge lovingly. 1 Cor 5:5; 2:6-8; Gal 6:1; John 13:35; Col 4:5-6

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Shift Your Thinking

Romans 12:1-2
Thoughts → Beliefs → Actions → Outcomes
Four things that strengthen the neural connections: Experience, emotional arousal, focused attention, repetition
The subconscious mind doesn't know where you are wanting to go it just does it's thing.
Our thoughts have so much power.
Who has the loudest voice in your life? Our minds are always being formed; either conformed or transformed.
v2 "Do not conform to the patterns of this world," If we do nothing, we naturally drift away from God and it's a slow process. "but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." Eph 4:22-23 "... to be made new in the attitude of your minds."
1. Get saved
2. Slow down!!! Simplify. Turn off the noise, listen to God. Learn to create margin and boundaries in your life.
3. Dig into God's Word.
4. Become increasingly aware of who/what your allow into your head. Get rid of things that are not of God.
5. Start memorizing God's Word.

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Don't forget the leftovers

Mk 6:41-52

v45 Jesus sent the disciples into the storm. It's in the storms where we learn life's greatest lessons.
1. Don't fail the test. Jn 6:5-9 Jesus doesn't ask us questions to get information, but to see if we will trust and look to him.
2. Don't miss the chance to get in on what God's doing. Mk 6:41 When you don't know what to do, trust Jesus, lean into him.
3. Don't forget the leftovers. Mk 6:43, 51-52; 8:17-21; 6:48. "Jesus was about to pass them by." Remember when God passed by Moses to show Moses His glory. The disciples should have seen Jesus' glory, instead he had to get in the boat with them. We need to remember who is in charge, who has authority. It's Jesus! Never forget in the dark what Jesus has shown you in the light.
4. Believe in Jesus. Jn 6:25-29, 35. Believe in the one God has sent - Jesus.