Sunday, June 29, 2014

Storms By Andy Erickson

Dealing with storms
As Christians, how do we deal with storms in our lives?
Ps 13:1-2, Mk 4
Our faith needs to be grounded in the kingdom of God, and growing strong. Even if our faith is very small, it can grow huge.
Mk 4:35-41 The disciples found themselves in a storm and instead of having faith, they questioned Jesus. They were more focused on the storm than on the savior. Jesus cared about the storms in their lives. Sometimes he takes the storms away, sometimes he just stays with us through the storm.
Ex 33:14 My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.
Ps 121:1-2
Ps 13:5 trust in his unfailing love

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Toxic: Toxic Words

-The tongue is powerful.
Prov 18:21 The tongue has the power to bring life or death. Jas 3:2-5, 9-10 If you find someone who can control their tongue, they can control their bodies as well. You can tell what is in someone's heart by what they say.
- The tongue speaks words of life and death.
Words of death - Gossip: Prov 16:28, 26:20-22, gossip destroys. Harsh and angry words: Eph 4:29. Lying: Prov 12:17,19, Prov 16:13.
Words of life - Should be nourishing, encouraging, and helpful: Prov 10:11,21,24.
- How we can speak words of life:
1. Talk less, listen more, ask questions. Prov 17:27
2. Think before you speak.
3. Speak gently. Prov 15:1.
All of this comes from the Lord, there's no way we can do it in our own strength. Luke 6:45.

Toxic: Toxic Influences

What toxic influences have I allowed into my life this week?
We live in a crazy, toxic world.
How do we handle the toxic influences?
- You need to guard your heart. When I don't, and I let all the toxic influences into my life, it's very hard to walk with God. Prov 4:23
- Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. 1 Cor 6:12, Gal 5:1
- Put it to the test. 1 Thess 5:21-22, Rom 12:2
*Am I being entertained by sin?
*Is this pleasing to God?
*Does this lure me away from Christ?
- Balance it out. Examine the influences in our life. Prov 5:21-22, Col 3:16, Ps 119:11
- Get a verse. Eph 5:1-4,15-20, 1Jn 2:3-7, 1 Pet 1:13-16

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Toxic: Toxic Thoughts

Toxic - poisonous, causing sickness or death
Satan wants to make us believe toxic thoughts and live a lie.
4 thought areas in which we struggle:
- Negative thoughts make us irritable and grumpy
- Fearful thoughts rob us of the peace that passes understanding
- Discontented thoughts take away the joy that Christ offers
- Critical thoughts clog up our ability to love other people
4 ways to reject toxic thoughts:
- take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ. 2 Cor 10:3-5 - We have the power of God available to us to demolish Satan's strongholds.
- Replace toxic thoughts with truth. Phil 4:8 - get into the Bible.
- Change your mind. Rom 12:2 - be transformed by the renewing of your mind (continuously). Eph 4:22-24 - put on your new self.
- Get a verse. Replace toxic thoughts with God's truth. Phil 4:4-7, Rom 8:28, Isa 41:13, Isa 43:4, Mt 6:33