Sunday, June 18, 2017

Jas 1:13-18

1. The source of temptation is not God. Jas 1:13, 1 Jn 1:5, Isa 6:3. Don't blame God for your temptation. Gen 3:8-13. Temptation comes from our own evil desires v14. We are enticed, lured.

2. The process of temptation. Desire, deception, then disobedience. v15. 2 Sam 11:1, Prov 7:21-23.

3. How do we fight against temptation?
- Pray. Mt 26:41
- Guard your heart. Prov 4:23, Phil 4:8-9 Temptations are very dependant upon the things you do.
- Hide God's Word in your heart. Ps 119:9-11
- If all else fails, turn and run! 2 Tim 2:22, Gen 39:6-12
- Don't give up. God loves us in spite of our failures. 1 Cor 10:13, Gal 6:7-9

4. God offers something better. Jas 1:16-18

Sunday, June 11, 2017

James 1:1-12

1. Trials are part of the Christian experience. Jas 1:2
2. Trials are used to develop maturity. Jas 1:3-4 (trials are a pathway to maturity)
3. Trials make us more aware of our need for God. Jas 1:5. We need to be careful that we don't become self sufficient. We need to ask God for wisdom. Jas 1:6-8. We need to believe and not doubt. John the Baptist doubted, Mt 11:2-3; Mk 9:21-24. Double mindedness is not being honest about our feelings and our doubts or questions, it's acting like enduring is okay when it's not or putting our faith in ourselves.
4. Trials visit every zip code. Jas 1:9-11. It's very easy to look at other's lives and think everything is good for them, but trials come to everyone. Don't compare your life to others' lives.
5. Trials lead to great victory. Jas 1:12. Love God, pass the test, receive the crown.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

When God doesn't make sense: When God doesn't show up

John the Baptist preached against Herod marrying his sister in law. Herod put John in prison. Mk 6:17-28, Mt 11:2-6, 11. John's circumstances made him question who Jesus was, and why Jesus wasn't saving him. You will be blessed by God if you do not stumble when God doesn't do the things we want Him to do. 
Let the cross define your view of God, not your circumstances.
1. It's common for those in crisis to feel great frustration with God.
2. We can trust Satan to show up in our time of crisis. Jn 8:44, 1 Pet 5:8
3. We lack the capacity to grasp God's infinite mind or the way He intervenes in our lives. We cannot fully understand God. Ecc 11:5, Isa 55:8, 1 Cor 13:12
4. God is infinitely loving and kind. Ps 95:7, Jn 3:16, Rom 8:37-39
5. When it seems God hasn't shown up, it doesn't mean He's absent.