Sunday, January 20, 2019

S.O.A.P. Focus on Jesus

The most important thing I can do every day of my life is to start with Jesus and get my heart right. My circumstances won't necessarily change, but my heart will change.
Lk 10:38-42 Mary and Martha. Martha was angry and exploded into the room. Mary "left," which indicates that she was helping in the kitchen before. Martha's inward anxiety resulted in outward expectation.
1. Jesus desires intimacy with you. What Jesus wants foremost from me, is to spend time with me. He desires intimacy more than service to him. Ps 51:15-17, Message.
2. Distraction is the enemy of intimacy. Any time you find yourself chewing Jesus out, your heart is not in the right place. Mt 6:25, 28, 31, 34; 13:22. Don't worry.
3. Your worth is not determined by your service. Jesus loves you. Martha was trying to find something in serving Jesus that can only be found in Jesus. Worship first, then serve.
4. Focus! Lk 10:42; Phil 3:13-14. Start with Jesus.