Sunday, December 30, 2012

Sermon Rick T.- stories

Mk 2:1-12 the story of the four men bringing the paralyzed man
Paralyzed man was stuck, dependent upon others for everything. We often get stuck like that. Began to Hope that Jesus could change his life. His friends had the same hope for him.
The Pharisees doubt that hope. They see the miracle, but question Jesus instead of praising God.
Others are not sure about Jesus. Questioning, wondering.

God can use this story to speak to our lives, our stories.
Are you stuck? Hurt? Paralyzed in some way?  God can change our lives, our stories!!

We must come to Him, and wait for his timing. We need to passionately pursue Him in faith!! Don't be lazy about your pursuit of Jesus. Be creative about getting to Him, because he is worthy! Give your life to him, no matter what, even if things don't go the way I want.
Want God to live in, through, and for me. The bible is how we get to know him.

The friends desperately wanted their return to meet Jesus, and they went to great lengths to get him there.

Watch out, because our hearts can be far from him, even if we are surrounded by the things of God all the time. Be careful not to be judgemental or hypocritical.

Always remember that others are watching what we do and say.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Sermon: away in a manger

Lk2:8-11 the little Lord Jesus - the LORD
Jesus is Lord - a person in authority and control over others,  boss
Who do I trust in more- me or Jesus? He IS the boss of me!
He's the lord of salvation - praise God! He paid the price for me! Ro10:9-10, 13 confess him as LORD Mt7:21-23. IS HE LORD OR NOT IN MY LIFE???
He's Lord of every day- Lk 6:46-49 why do you call me Lord and don't do what I say? Am I saying LORD with my life?? How do I know what he's telling me to do? PRAY Prov3:5-6, acknowledge-submit-know (Adam knew Eve)
Don't leave him in the manger!!! Rev3:14-20 you're comfortable and lukewarm
He is LORD! No matter if I say so or not, he is. Rev19:11-16, Phil 2:9-11

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sermon: O Holy Night

Written by a non Christian poet and musician based on Lk2.
The Christmas story is the answer to the evil that is in the world like in the CT shooting this week.
We are all capable of such evil, apart from the salvation of Jesus.
HOPE - Jesus is our hope Heb10:19-23, solid hope, knowing it's true. Ps 147:11 we are hopeless without Him, our hope is really all we have.
-We find hope in Jesus during the tough times. Lam3:21-25 His compassions never fail, they are new every morning! v24 Preach the gospel to myself every morning. Portion (like manna) just enough of Him. Ps42:5
-our ultimate hope is in his return.1cor10:15, 1thess4:13-18 to live is Christ, to die is gain

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sermon - Joy to the World

Joy to the World, the Lord is come.Let earth receive her king.
Pursuit of God outs commanded by God. 1 Thess 5:6 rejoice always. Phil 4:4
Joy- really a decision and action, not an emotion. Communion with God, proclamation of the salvation of God. Assurance that God is in control, making a determined choice to praise God.
-There is great joy in Christ's coming. Lk 2:8-10, it's good news for me! Acts 8:39, Lk 15:15,
-There is joy in His presence. Our joy for living life comes from spending time with Him. Ps 16:8-11, Jn 15:5-11, is Jesus your greatest treasure?
-Joy should not be based on circumstances Jas 1:1, Hab 3:17-19, Acts 16
- Sin will steal your joy. Ps 51:8-12, Mt 13:44
-there's joy in His sure return

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sermon 12/2

Follow the new creation and covenant.
The cross of Christ plus nothing.
Never boast in anything except the cross of Jesus Christ.
What is anyone going to do to match the cross?