Sunday, November 27, 2016

What Jesus Asked: Do you love me?

Jn 21:1-19 Do you love me?
Mt 26:31-35, 69-75 Peter betrays Jesus.
Jn 21:3 After denying/failing Jesus, Peter runs back to what he knows best - fishing. However, they caught nothing - it did not bring him any peace or comfort.
v5 Jesus asks us - Do you have anything to show for your own efforts?
v9-12 Jesus gave then a beautiful invitation: he didn't need their fish, to start the fire, or anything - just wanted them to hang out with him.
v15-17 Peter, do you love me? More than anything? Do you really love me? (3 denials, 3 chances for redemption) Jesus often takes our greatest failures and uses them for our good and his glory.
When we fail, run to Jesus. He will forgive and restore us, and use our failures.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

What Jesus Asked: Has no one condemned you?

John 8:2-11
Rom 8:1 no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Now or in eternal life.
1. We are set free from self-condemnation when we are reminded that we are no longer under the law but grace. Rom 3:19-20, 5:8; Heb 10:17; Phil 2:12b. Our failures point us back to our need for a Savior, and can be used to strengthen our salvation.
2. We are set free from self-condemnation when we stop seeking the approval of men and rest in the approval we already have in Christ. Gal 1:10.
3. We are set free from self-condemnation when we put down our own stones. What we are filled with (hopefully God's grace) will overflow onto those around us. Gal 6:1
Go and sin no more. Jesus was giving her permission and power to give up sin, freedom to resist Satan and his accusations, Phil 4:4.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

What Jesus Asked: Can anyone of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

Mt 6:24-34
My top worries: Mom and dad, Greg's health, not spending time with God, lack of discipline, insurance, weight and health
v24 you can't serve two masters - v25 "Therefore"
God loves us so much, we do not need to worry. Worry changes nothing, it doesn't help us in any way. When I worry, it's like I don't know Jesus as my Lord and savior.
Seek His kingdom FIRST, and trust him to take care of you. When his kingdom is our priority we will experience peace from God.
Heb 11; Acts 20:22-24