Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sermon 11/11/12 Gal. 5:16-26 Life is Good because I getta spend time with God through the Holy Spirit

God changes my want to
-It is beyond us to love God and love our neighbors on our own. V.13-14
V. 16 walk in the Spirit- third person of the trinity, acts 1:8 power from the holy Spirit, acts 2:37-38 salvation followed by the Holy spirit, power from the holy spirit; Ephesians 1:11-14 holy spirit helps us speak, teaches, comforts, reminds, convicts us of sins
- this is a command, DO IT! And keep on doing it every day, every hour. Sanctification. All motivated by my love for God
- v. 17 there is a battle between my flesh and my spirit every day, never ending.
Sing of walking in the spirit it's the battle v.16 the way to win is to walk in the Spirit
Remember to see temptation for what it is, not something we do because we are tired or whatever.
- V.18 led by the Spirit, spirit leads like a locomotive, He has all the power.
- v. 22-23 Fruit of the Spirit. If I am walking in the Spirit, there will be fruit!
Holy Spirit, give me the strength to walk with you, to be led by you. Amen

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sermon 11/4/12 Gal. 5:1-15

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free! Christ went to the cross to take our sins for us.♥ He did this so I don't have to be a slave to the law, but I am free to relate to others in LOVE. :-) God still loves me even when I sin.
I'm free to love God and free to love other people.