Sunday, April 18, 2021

Moving from the crowd to the committed

Lk 14:25-35
1. Love Jesus more than our family.  v25-26 Hate- to love less or a chosen preference. To be a committed follower we must love Him above everyone else. Our number 1 relationship we must have right is our relationship with God. 
2. Love Jesus more than ourselves. v26-27, 28, 31 Carry your cross: all of their hopes, dreams, etc was behind them as they carried their cross to their death. Make sure you are able to finish what you started, don't forget the cost of following Jesus. It's worth it.
3. Love Jesus more than our comforts. v33 There more stuff we own, the more our stuff has the potential to own us. We want to be less attached to worldly things and more attached to Godly things. Hold everything with open hands, be willing to give things up for God. Fall in love with Jesus so much that you realize it's all His anyway.

If I rely on the world, I become ineffective to Jesus. Come to Jesus DAILY and rely on Him alone.
It will cost you much to follow Jesus, but much more to reject Him.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Being A Good Neighbor

What does it look like to be a good neighbor?
1. Being a good neighbor can be risky and even dangerous. Lk 10:33-34 This road was very dangerous.
2. Being a good neighbor is most often inconvenient. Lk 10:31-35 The Samaritan went out of his way to help.
3. Being a good neighbor means loving people who are different than you. Lk 10:33 Jews and Samaritans didn't associate. Lk 9:51-54; Jn 4:9
4. Being a good neighbor requires action, not words. Lk 10:33-34; Jas 2:14-17; 1 Jn 3:16-17
5. Being a good neighbor is costly. Lk 10:34-35
6. Being a good neighbor means someone will take advantage of you. 
7. You and I are not the good Samaritan in this story. Lk 10:36-37 Jesus is the Good Samaritan.