Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Great Commission

The great commission - Mt 28:18-20
- go make disciples (followers) of Jesus
1. Going - go out and spend time with others, so that you can share the good news of Jesus with them. Be on mission wherever you are.
2. Baptizing - committing yourself to Jesus in front of others.
3. Teaching - in order for us to teach others, we have to be learning ourselves. Our lives should reflect Jesus, but we also have to open our mouths and tell them about Jesus.

Personal application:
1. Own the assignment - take it upon yourself.
2. Understand the method - life on life. Be involved in the lives of others.
3. Make the invitation. Ask others to be a part of something.
4. Stop making excuses.
5. Start somewhere.

All authority was given to Jesus, and he is with us always.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Flint: The Ascension

Lk 24:50-53, Acts 1:1-11

1. The ascension caused worship, not sorrow. The apostles reaction was worship because they finally understood: they had a full understanding of the gospel. As a result of their understanding, they worshipped continually. Ps 47:5-9 The result of our own understanding should be constant praise and worship.

2. The ascension marked the completion of Jesus life on earth. Jn 17:1-5, Eph 1:19-23, Phil 2:9-11, Rev 5:11-13. Jesus is back in heaven, but is still interceeding for us.

3. The ascension was for our good because we received the Holy Spirit. Jn 3, Acts 1:8

4. The ascension comes with a great promise: Jesus will come back someday.  Acts 1:11, Jn 14:1-3

5. We are to be messengers of the good news of Jesus. Acts 1:8. Don't just long for heaven, tell others about Jesus!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Internal change By Scott Drachnick

We need more than an external change, we need the internal change that Jesus offers. 2Cor 5 :14-21
- New condition: it's an internal transformation based on what Jesus has done for us. Jer 31:31-33, Titus 3:4-7. Eternal life has already begun for us. Rely on the power of Jesus. Make a daily decision to live out our life in Christ.
- New purpose: we are to foster reconciliation with God and with others. Mt 5:9. Can people see the reconciliation with God and others in our lives? Col 3:22-13. Be a peacemaker. 2Cor 5:20-21
- New identity:

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Flint: The Resurrection!

Jn 20:1-8
Lk 24:9-12
The question is - what happened on Sunday? Did the Romans steal the body, the Jews, the disciples?
No! The disciples all died because of their belief Jesus rose from the dead.
1Cor 15:3-8 Many people saw Jesus after the resurrection.
So what?
1Pet 1:3-5
- we've been given a brand new life and relationship with God v3.  If it's not true, we are crazy and still in our sin. 1Cor 15:14-17
The evidence for Jesus's resurrection would stand up against argument except for 2 things: it's a very unusual event, and if you believe it - you have to change your life.
- we have hope v3.  A living hope - it's true, you can be assured it is true. We put our hope in all kinds of craziness, but the only real hope is in Jesus.
- we have a future in heaven v4. There's a heavenly inheritance that will blow away anything this world had to offer. This inheritance does not depend on us, it's all through Jesus, and it will not spoil our fade.
Abba, I belong to you!