Sunday, February 22, 2015

Flint: The Triumphal Entry

Therefore I have set my face like flint. Isa 50:7
Lk 9:51 Jesus resolutely went to Jerusalem. Isa 50 :5-7

The Triumphal Entry. Lk 19:28-44
v 30, 32 The king could commandeer things he needed. Jesus used this rule to obtain the donkey. Zac 9:9
v 35-36 He came in as a king would do
v 37-38 The people praised him, thinking he would be an earthly king that would save them from the Romans
v 39-41, John 12:12-14, 12:17-19, Jesus' entry was bothersome for the Pharisees. Jesus looked over Jerusalem and wept for those who did not understand or know Him.
1. Jesus is God, all-knowing and all-powerful. CS Lewis - Lord, liar, or lunatic. As we read this scene, we must decide for ourselves if Jesus is God.
2. Many were close to salvation, but they missed it completely. People today do the exact same thing, and miss out on salvation.
3. Jesus will be worshipped, now and forever! v 40 In this moment, Jesus does not stop the people's praise, he embraces it. Jesus loves us unconditionally, not based on anything we do.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Connecting With Others by Scott Drachnik

Mt 9:35-38
1. See the eyes and heart of Jesus.
v 36 What Jesus saw made him feel a certain way. Ps 34:15-18 What Jesus saw moved him to action. Sometimes we can't see beyond our own needs. Phil 2:4 Get my eyes of myself, and into the needs of others. 1 John 4:20
- as Christ followers, we are to reflect the eyes and heart of Jesus
- don't just look at our own needs
2. The perspective of Jesus
v 36, Lk 5:29-32 People are the main purpose of our lives. All people are created in the image of God. Ps 23 The Lord is my shepherd. Mt 11:28-30
3. The prayer of Jesus.
v 37-38 C.S. Lewis said, "we don't pray to change God, we pray so God can change us."
- Jesus is Lord of the harvest. Just as the Father sent Jesus, Jesus sends us.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

327 Blank Pages by Rick Tucker

Phil 3:13-14 Press on toward the goal for which God has called you.
If God forgave Saul, he will forgive us.
Each one of us have 327 Blank Pages (days) before us in 2015.
Phil 3:10 I want to know Christ, and become more like him.
Ezra is a good example of this. Ezra 7:10 Ezra was devoted to the study of the Word, and teaching it to others. (Ezra's story in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah)
Satan wants to defeat us, but if we go to church, home teams, memorize/quote scripture, read and study the Word, meditate on the Word day and night, and obey, and Satan will have a very difficult time defeating us.