Sunday, May 31, 2015

Suffering by Luc Faron

During pain and suffering, a right and proper understanding of who God is and what he's done positions man in a posture of praise.
1Peter 1:3-5 He is writing to a church who is suffering under Nero. God is worthy and deserving of our praise.
v3-4 Father - Jesus is God, our - my relationship with God is meant to be shared
Reasons God is worthy and deserving of our praise:
1. Picture of mercy. Titus 3:4-5
2. Provider of regeneration. v3
3. Powered by the resurrection of Jesus.
4. Preparer of an eternal inheritance. Imperishable, undefiled, unfading
5. Protector of our salvation.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

The Book of Daniel: Nonflammable

Daniel 3
We face the pressure of going the easy way of the world or following God. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego learned from Daniel, the influence of Daniel gave them strength to follow God.
They gave a gracious response to the king, while trusting in God. This kind of faith does not develop overnight, but through day to day time with God. God uses fire to develop and refine character. Their obedience was not dependent on God delivering them or on God always giving them what they want. What was most important is their obedience to God.
1Pet 3-7 God will walk through the fire with me and give me strength. This will show the power and faithfulness of God and Jesus Christ.
v19-25 God himself shows up when this kind of trial is experienced. We experience the sweetest presence of God in these times. Jesus was right there with them in the fire. Isa 43:1-2, Ps 23:4
v26-30 Nebuchadnezzer only called the 3 men out, but he saw 4 In the fire. Only what bound them was burned. Sometimes God takes us through a fire in order to burn off what binds us. They did not even smell like smoke - no need to let our experiences define who we are. We are not about our fame, but about God's fame.

The Book of Daniel: Pride

Daniel Chapter 4
Pride is a part of the fallen human condition. God hates pride.
James 4:6, 1:22-25, Prov 6:16-18, 2 Tim 3:14-17, Jer 29:1-32, v7, 10-12, let God use you even in the middle of the struggle. Pray.
Those who are prideful can easily be humbled by God.
How do we fight pride in our lives?
1. Admit and repent. v34, 2Pet 3:8-10
2. Humble yourself.  v34-35, 17
3. Praise Him!!! v37
4. Tell others. v2

The Book of Daniel: Handwriting on the wall

Daniel 5
v22-23 The king knew what he should have done, but did not do it. He set himself up against the Lord of heaven. Indulgence, indifference, and irreverence.
We do the same thing, and make it all about us.
Prov 1:29-32, Rom 3:23, Mt 5:3,
We need to come to a place of brokenness, Isa 6:5, 1 Tim 1:15, Rev 3:14-22
Don't fool yourself into thinking you are OK.
Repent! Confess your brokenness. Turn toward Jesus. Focus on Jesus, run to Him.

The Book of Daniel: An Everlasting Kingdom

Chapter 7: Daniel's vision of the end times
4 beasts = 4 kingdoms in Dan 2:31-45 Nebuchadnezzar's dream (Babylon, Medes, Persia, Rome=4th beast)
v8 little horn = the Antichrist. v20-25.
v9 Ancient of days = God Almighty. Ps 9:7, 92, 93:2, 102:25-27. There is a God, and that God will bring justice on this earth. Dan 7:13-14. Not only did Daniel see God Almighty, but the Son of God being placed on the throne. Rev 19:11-21.
1. Jesus is coming back again and no one knows the time or day. We should be ready at all times.
2. We must look beyond our earthly circumstances and into eternity.
3. Jesus is coming back again, therefore we should all know him.
4. Because eternity is forever, we should focus on it more than on earthly things. Live our lives in the light of eternity.

The Book of Daniel: Resolved

Daniel 1
1. Our ability to affect our culture begins with inner resolve. v8 They chose to follow God in the midst of adverse circumstances. Gen 11:4-9, Isa 47:5-8, Rev 18:1-7, Babylon was an evil culture. Phil 3:19, Prov 4 :23, Col 3:1
2. We will never affect our culture if we are not gracious. v8, 11-13. We must love God and love others. Can't be jerks.
3. God will give favor to those who are resolved and gracious. v9,14-16, 19-20

Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Book of Daniel: Daniel 1

-God is in control! He is in control of all things at all times. 2Chron 36:5-21 God's people kept sinning and getting farther away from God, so God led them away into captivity. 2Kings 24:1-3, Hab 1:5-9, 3:16-19. Because God's people turned away, GOD raised up the Babylonians to take them into captivity.
-God is more interested in your holiness than in your comfort. How does my faith hold up in adverse circumstances? Do I really trust in God no matter what?
-God uses those who are faithful. Dan 1:3-8. They stuck to their beliefs even though they did not understand what was happening, and did not know the end of the story. We are called to impact the culture where God places us.
-God is sovereign over your circumstances.
-Deliberately and purposefully develop your identity in Christ.