Sunday, January 26, 2020

This Is Us: We are spiritual contributors, not spiritual consumers

We are spiritual contributors, not just spiritual consumers.
We are very good at consuming and being served. Our mindset of being served even spills over to church.
Why is becoming a spiritual contributor so important?
1. Because it's not about you. Col 1:16; 2 Cor 5:15; Jn 6:26. Don't go after Jesus just because we want things from him. How do I view who Jesus is? Savior? Lord? Jesus as Lord reorients our lives.
2. Because God uses it to capture the hearts of others. Mt 5:16; 1 Pet 2:12. It's so easy to only focus on the dark parts of the world, instead of focusing on how bright the light can shine in the dark.

How do we move to bring a spiritual contributor?
1. We lean into the one who first served us. Mk 10:45
2. We jump in and start using our gifts. 1 Pet 4:10 use or gifts to serve others.
- How is your time in the Word?
- Do you have unrepentant sins?
- What is your community like?
- How are you serving others?

Our mission is to change the world, not fill a church. 
Jn 13:15 Jesus washes the disciples feet, he is a true servant and set an example for us.

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