Build extra space in our lives so we are more in tune with His purposes, promises, and people.
The problem is not technology, the problem is the person using it. Whatever we feed will grow. 1 Cor 6:12.
Technology is a great servant, but not a good master. Technicolor can drain us mentally and spiritually. It can rob our attention away from God. Mt 22:37-39. It is difficult to serve God with our heart, soul and mind when we are distracted.
1. Technology robs us of a deeper relationship with God. The threat is to our soul. Ps 130:5-6, 63:1. Technology keeps us connected to the outer world, but disconnected to our inner lives. Lk 10:38-41. We need to take a breath, stop being so busy and rest (Be still, and know that I am God).
2. Technology robs us of a more purposeful and meaningful relationship with others. When we are distracted our view of God and our view of self becomes distorted. Fear of missing out on the world, makes us miss out on what is really happening around us in our lives.
What now? Practical steps:
1. Be honest with where you are.
2. Turn off notifications.
3. Track your phone usage. (Quality time app)
4. Put your phone in a different room.
5. Consider temporarily depriving yourself.
6. Practice stillness and silence often.
Regular stillness is necessary for living the purposeful, joyful, peaceful life to which God has called us. Mt 11:28-29 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."
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