Sunday, March 25, 2018

Snapshots: Who is Jesus?

Mt 21:1-11
The same crowd that yelled "Hosanna," yelled "crucify him" one week later.

Who is Jesus not?
1. Jesus is not merely a superior human being. C. S. Lewis - Jesus is either Lord, Liar, or Lunatic. Liars usually crack under pressure, Jesus did not, even to the point of death on a cross. Lunatics don't speak words that pass the test of time like Jesus did. The only option is that Jesus is Lord!
2. Jesus is not a sentimental tradition. He is not something we pass down to our children. Mt 7:9,13. Sentimental Christians find comfort in tradition, but are resistant to real faith.
3. Jesus is not our spiritual "Sugar Daddy." He's not about just giving us what we want or being who we want him to be. Jn 6:26 If Jesus is only someone we turn to when we need something, we will be forever disappointed.
4. Jesus is not a superficial emotional experience. We need to have emotional intelligence, not just seek an emotional high once a week. Don't make spiritual decisions based on emotion, but based on the truth of Scripture. Jn 4:23; Eph 2:8. Don't miss the work that Christ is doing in it life because we are selling an emotional experience.
5. Jesus is not a standard that we are trying to attain. We don't have to be as good as Jesus, we can't. Rom 8 There is no condemnation in Jesus. People that believe they must attain a standard only follow Jesus out of drudgery.

Who is Jesus? Here's real, the son of the living God. The lamb of God, come to take away the sins if the world. Our Lord, Savior and friend. He is The Truth. Here's so much more than we give him credit for!

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