Sunday, February 18, 2018

Snapshots: Come and See

Lk 4:1-42
1. Life is often full of pain. v16-18 this woman was in pain, had been through many divorces. Jn 16:33.
2. Pain leads to isolation. Instead of running to Jesus, the only one that could help us, we run the other way. The woman came to draw water at noon, when no one else would be there. She didn't come when others would be there. v16
3. We have no secrets from Jesus. v16. He knows everything about me, and still loves me! 💗
4. It is possible to be religious and totally messed up. v19, she tries to change the subject from her failure. We are so good at being religious and not very good at being real.
5. Jesus will meet you and I at our greatest point of pain. v26; Lk 19:10; Jn 3:17
6. Only Jesus satisfies. v13-15. We need to stop chasing after things we think will satisfy our soul, and run straight to Jesus! When we do that, our lives will be changed. He will meet us right where we are and satisfy us.
7. Jesus will use your story to help others. v28-29, 41.

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