Sunday, February 25, 2018

Snapshots: Twelve Baskets Full

Jn 6:1-14, Mk 6:45-52, Jn 6:22-29
1. Pass the test. Jn 6:5-6. When Jesus asks us a question, it's not because He doesn't know what to do, it's for us to learn to trust Him and look too see what He will do. They should have said: it's humanly impossible, but Jesus, you can do anything, and I can't wait to see what you are going to do.
2. Don't miss your chance to get in on what God is doing. Jesus didn't need the five loaves and two fish (lunchable) to do this miracle, but He used it. Miracles happen in the mundane, everyday stuff. We are to take what God has given us and use it for Kingdom work. Be faithful. Don't be a spiritual hoarder!
3. Be thankful for what you have, no matter what it is! Jn 6:11
4. Jesus is the miracle worker. Jn 6:12
5. Don't forget the leftovers. Jn 6:13 Jesus could have made just the right amount of food, but he made enough for the twelve disciples to each have a basket of leftover bread. Then in the boat, the disciples were afraid of the storm and then amazed that Jesus could calm the storm, instead of remembering the leftovers and trusting in Jesus. Never doubt in the storm what Jesus has shown you in the calm! Jesus wants us to remember who He is and remember He takes care of us.
6. Miracles are cool, but believe in Jesus. Jn 6:29. Don't just look to Him for the miracles, but all the time.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Snapshots: Come and See

Lk 4:1-42
1. Life is often full of pain. v16-18 this woman was in pain, had been through many divorces. Jn 16:33.
2. Pain leads to isolation. Instead of running to Jesus, the only one that could help us, we run the other way. The woman came to draw water at noon, when no one else would be there. She didn't come when others would be there. v16
3. We have no secrets from Jesus. v16. He knows everything about me, and still loves me! 💗
4. It is possible to be religious and totally messed up. v19, she tries to change the subject from her failure. We are so good at being religious and not very good at being real.
5. Jesus will meet you and I at our greatest point of pain. v26; Lk 19:10; Jn 3:17
6. Only Jesus satisfies. v13-15. We need to stop chasing after things we think will satisfy our soul, and run straight to Jesus! When we do that, our lives will be changed. He will meet us right where we are and satisfy us.
7. Jesus will use your story to help others. v28-29, 41.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Snapshots: Through the Roof

Lk 5:17-26
1. The greatest thing that can ever happen to us is to have our sins forgiven by Jesus. v20, 24. This wasn't something Jesus said lightly, He knew he would be dying for our sins. Rom 5:8; Col 2:13-14; 2 Cor 5:21
2. Jesus was and is God. v21. Phil 2:6-8; John 3:16
3. Faith matters. v20. We are reconciled to God through Jesus, but our faith matters.
4. There's good religion (focuses on what God has already done) and bad religion (focuses on what man can do). v17. The Pharisees were so wrapped up in religion they missed the Messiah. Jas 1:27
5. Whatever is going on in your world this morning, Jesus cares. v24. We praise God not only for what He has already done, but what He's yet to do.
6. When Jesus shows up, praise breaks out! v25-26.