Sunday, October 29, 2017

Transformed: Worship

Rom 12:1
Many Christians have fallen in love with Savior Jesus, but not as much with Lord Jesus.
We are called to a life of worship. v1
1. The meaning of worship. Worship - the adoration of a deity. Mt 4:10 "Worship the Lord your God and serve him only." Worship: A heart that is intentionally focused on God, which then naturally overflows into every area of our lives for the sake of Christ. "I urge you" is a phrase that is used to talk with soldiers that are about to go into battle.
2. The motivation of worship. Think about all that Jesus did for us. "The cup" that he wanted to avoid wasn't the physical part of going to the cross, it was the wrath of God. God hates evil because it separates us from him.
3. The manner of worship. v1 "Offer your bodies as a living sacrifice to God." Give your everyday life to God as an offering. Trust him that he had the perfect plan for my life. Jn 3:30 He must become greater and I must become less. Mt 5:16 Let your light shine.

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