Therefore I have set my face like flint. Isa 50:7
Lk 9:51 Jesus resolutely went to Jerusalem. Isa 50 :5-7
The Triumphal Entry. Lk 19:28-44
v 30, 32 The king could commandeer things he needed. Jesus used this rule to obtain the donkey. Zac 9:9
v 35-36 He came in as a king would do
v 37-38 The people praised him, thinking he would be an earthly king that would save them from the Romans
v 39-41, John 12:12-14, 12:17-19, Jesus' entry was bothersome for the Pharisees. Jesus looked over Jerusalem and wept for those who did not understand or know Him.
1. Jesus is God, all-knowing and all-powerful. CS Lewis - Lord, liar, or lunatic. As we read this scene, we must decide for ourselves if Jesus is God.
2. Many were close to salvation, but they missed it completely. People today do the exact same thing, and miss out on salvation.
3. Jesus will be worshipped, now and forever! v 40 In this moment, Jesus does not stop the people's praise, he embraces it. Jesus loves us unconditionally, not based on anything we do.
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