Sunday, December 20, 2015


Luke 2:14 On earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.
1. Peace with God. It's available to us through Jesus' gift of salvation. Rom 5:1, Jn 3:16-17
2. Peace with yourself. We live in a broken world full of chaos. That can easily cause anxiety and fear within us. We can have peace within when we trust in and look to Jesus and our heavenly Father. Phil 4:6-7, take all of your worries and fears to Him. Heb 13:8, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."
3. Peace with others. Rom 12:18, Eph 4:31-32, Col 3:15

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Ephesians 3:14-21

Ephesians 3:14-21
A prayer for strength. v16-17, Dwell=to be right at home v14
A prayer for love. v17, We need to be full of God.
1. He is able to do! v20, There's nothing that he can't do. Ps 115:1-8
2. He is able to do more than we ask, think, or imagine. v20, Jas 4:3 We need to ask with the right motives.
3. He is able to do immeasurably more. v20, God wants to do more, we need to ask!
4. All glory to Him! v21, This is all about God's glory.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Ephesians: 3:1-13 part 2

Ephesians: 3:13 Paul said not to be discouraged by the suffering he was enduring for Jesus.
1 Cor 4:9-13; 2 Cor 11:24-29, 12:7-10.
-The "thorn" was given to Paul- God allowed Satan to do it.
-Sometimes God's best answer is NO. Maybe what we are enduring is to remind us that God is sufficient, and we can count on Him. If God allowed us to be free of suffering all of the time, we would rely on ourselves and would not learn to be dependent upon God. It was in God's NO, where Paul was able to experience God's sufficient grace and mercy.
-Let God's strength rest on you. Lean into Him. 2 Cor 12:9. In our weakness, God steps in and covers us with His strength and grace.
-We need to delight in the hard stuff. 2 Cor 12:10. How? Not sure, but start by knowing that this is a time when we are able to see God step in and shine the brightest in and through our lives.
Let the Bible encourage us not to look at our suffering so closely, but look to God continually. Let Jesus be sufficient.
Ephesians 3:13 Good uses sufferings for our good and his glory. 2 Cor 4:16-18

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Ephesians: 3:1-13

Ephesians: 3:1-13
1. The promises of God are for all people. v3, v6, Gal 1:11-16. Everyone is welcome in the kingdom of God because of the blood of Jesus.
2. God uses the"least." v7-8, Christ's accomplishments are greater than your shortcomings. God loves me and has forgiven me and wants to use me.
3. God loves his church. v10, 1 Peter 1:10-12, Heb 4:14-16. Because of Christ, we can approach God boldly and confidently.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Ephesians: Ephesians 1:15-23

Ephesians 1:15-23
People will know us by our love for others. v15
Continually pray. v16
Pray for wisdom v17, Ps. 11:10, Rev 1:12-17 - once you have the proper fear and awe of God, we no longer need to fear Him.
Pray for revelation v17, don't just settle for information, but get to know God better by being close to Him.
Paul wants us to:
1. v18 know and understand the hope to which He has called you. Rom 8:28-31, our hope is in the God who has called us.
2. v18 understand the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people. I am His inheritance. That's crazy!! He wants ME as His inheritance???
3. v19-23 understand His incomparably great power for those of us who believe. That power is available to us. Wow!!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Ephesians 1:3-14

Ephesians 1:3-14
Chosen: v4, John 6:44, 15:16, 3:16, 2 Pet 3:9, God chose us, but we are also responsible to choose Him.
Adopted: v5, 2 Cor 5:17, God changes us when He adopts us, we are a new creation.
Redeemed: v7-8, Rom 6:16-18, Col 2:13-14, He took our sin and gave us His righteousness.
Sealed: v13, "marked with the seal of the Holy Spirit." Through the Spirit, there is hope and freedom in Christ.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Ephesians: Spectacular Grace

Ephesians 1:3-14 It all leads to our redemption from our sinfulness. We are all sinners in desperate need of redemption from God. Why would God forgive me and set me free from sin? Because he loves me so much!
Election - v4 God choose me.
John 6:44, 15:16, Josh 24:15, John 3:16, 2 Pet 3:9
We will not come to God unless he has chosen us, but we also have to choose Him.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Ephesians 1

Acts 18-20 Paul had such a deep love for the people of Ephesus, and they had deep love for him.
Ephesians 4:1
Ephesians 1:1-14
-v3 blessings in the heavenly realm - our blessings are not always here on earth

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Faith Made Simple: Love Revealed - Jim Blue

John 21:15-19
Intentional faith development - God's love revealed.
Feed my sheep.
God's love that is given to us, is ours to be shared with others.
What am I doing in my life to grow stronger in Christ? To build up my foundation?

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Family Groove: Strong Foundation

The ultimate family groove begins with placing ourselves under the authority of God. Josh 24:14-15 As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
v14: Now - conveys urgency to make a decision, Fear the Lord - awe and reverence of God and realization that we are nothing, Throw away the gods - stop putting other people or things before God.
v15: choose today whom you will serve
Josh 23: remember what God has done

Sunday, August 9, 2015

The Book of Daniel

Dan 11-12
Dan 11:1-35 - God gave Daniel prophecy that lines up perfectly with history. God is sovereign and it is His Story.
Dan 11:35 - last period of 7 years that is yet to come.
v36-45 describes the Tribulation
Dan 12:1 Michael will come to our aid. v5-6 Mt 24:15-22 Jesus says the Great Tribulation will be very bad,  but will only last 3.5 years.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Missions by Scott Drachnick

Mission myths
The word "missions" is not found in the bible. Missionaries are those sent to be image bearers of Christ.
We are not here to make other places the same as our American church.

Mission mandates
We are all missionaries.
We need to see ourselves as connected to the global church. We are equals with those we come to serve.
We are to expand the kingdom of God.
Become all things to all people, so that we might win some. Mt 28:16-20

Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Book of Daniel: Daniel in the Lion's Den

Daniel 6
1. Don't be surprised when people attack you for living a life of integrity for Jesus. v4-5 Trials, adversity and suffering are all a part of the Christian experience. 1 Pet 4:12-16, 19, 5:8-11; Rom 8:28
2. We need to pray before we are in the lion's den. v10 - when we find ourselves in difficult situations, PRAY! Continue to be faithful and lean upon God. Instead we often get angry, get out of control (i.e. "my life is over"), or get depressed, etc.  Daniel went and, as was his habit, got on his knees and prayed. Phil 4:4-7 Be anxious about NOthing, but pray about EVERYthing. v17 Satan wants us to believe that our troubled circumstances will never change, but that is a lie!! v23 No wound was found on him, because he had trusted in his God.
3. We are called to love and serve those who share different opinions than us. v21-22 Daniel gave grace to the king when he came in direct opposition to him. Eph 2:1-5 We were given mercy and grace, and should give that same mercy and grace to others. It is good to get out of our comfort zone and allow God to use us.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Generations by Scott Drachnick

Judges 2:6-10 There arose a generation that did not know the Lord.
1. A generational perspective: Gen 1:26-28, said again to Noah after the flood, and to Abraham in Gen 13,15, Ex 3:6. We need to have a generational perspective, what did I receive and what am I passing on?
2. A generational strategy: Deut 6:4-9 gives us 10 steps to use. Be intentional- use every moment you can, pray for upcoming generations.
3. A generational stumble: v10, you cannot force your children to follow God, so let go of the guilt.
4. A generational success: Acts 16:1-3, 1 Tim 2:3-5. Don't give up in your faith or on future generations.
5. A generational challenge: generations that do not claim God or spirituality. We need to be authentic in our faith, we need to go out and impact those around us. Josh 24:14-15.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Red Tree

John 8:1-11 the adulteress brought before Jesus.
Jesus did not condemn her, but told her to go and sin no more.
The woman was brought from the act of adultery and would have been filled with guilt and shame before Jesus.
Am I constantly weighed down from guilt, shame, and sin? Or am I full of joy, hope, and peace?
-Sin is yielding to deceit. We give in to Satan's lures.
-People are carrying regret and shame. We can move forward by receiving the healing and cleansing forgiveness of Jesus. Receive forgiveness and forgive.
-Jesus is the healer, restorer, and redeemer. Lk 4:16-21 Satan is an accuser, but Jesus came to set us free.
-Shower people with grace.
-Who do you want to become? What do you want to be known for? What character do you want to have? Write out goals and action steps. Stress and busyness are enemies of grace.

Family Groove: Discipline

Hebrews 12:1-13
v1-3 life is like a marathon, we should be encouraged by others who have made it to the end, keep our eyes on Jesus, and keep a watch out for sin that can weigh us down.
v5-6 God disciplines those he loves, as his own children.
-all kids are evil. We live in a broken sinful world.
-start with discipline early and often. Teach the kids that you will say things one time, and they should obey. Prov 13:24
-it's easier not to discipline than to discipline.
-great discipline requires great discipline of ourselves.
-every kid is different and the discipline may look different.
-God loves your children more than you do, and loves us more than we can comprehend.
v7-13 Pour into your children biblical values and God's word and love. Teach them to follow hard after Jesus.

Family Groove: Parenting on Purpose by Joe Holman

God the father is our role model as a parent.
As a parent we should try to guide our children not to give in to temptation.
Lk 2:52 Help our kids grow in wisdom, stature, and favor with Good and men. We should have a target/goal for raising our kids. Hag 1:5, 7 Give careful thought to your ways.
Parent by planning - the idea is to help our kids become Godly adults, to prepare them to love someone else more than us. Prov 24:3 Asking the right questions helps you come to the right conclusions.
-When they are 35 years old, what do I want my kids to be like?
-What do I want them to do?
-What do I want them to know?
Godly characteristics should be taught all along.
i.e. Financial: Earn money for chores. $1.00 - 10 cents tithe, 10 cents savings, 10 cents tax. No impulse buys, no loans.
Teach them how to be an adult, practice.
*I must BE the person that I want my children to BECOME.

The Book of Daniel: Daniel's Vision

Dan 8: a dual vision of the Antichrist, past and future
v27 the vision was even beyond understanding for Daniel, but he went about the king's business. We need to be about the King's business also.
Mt 24:15-18 Jesus speaks of Daniel's vision in future tense, even though it had already taken place historically.
Dan 7 : 7-8 the Roman Empire, and the Antichrist.
Titus 2:12-13 Jesus is coming back! Live my life looking forward to the return of Jesus.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Suffering by Luc Faron

During pain and suffering, a right and proper understanding of who God is and what he's done positions man in a posture of praise.
1Peter 1:3-5 He is writing to a church who is suffering under Nero. God is worthy and deserving of our praise.
v3-4 Father - Jesus is God, our - my relationship with God is meant to be shared
Reasons God is worthy and deserving of our praise:
1. Picture of mercy. Titus 3:4-5
2. Provider of regeneration. v3
3. Powered by the resurrection of Jesus.
4. Preparer of an eternal inheritance. Imperishable, undefiled, unfading
5. Protector of our salvation.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

The Book of Daniel: Nonflammable

Daniel 3
We face the pressure of going the easy way of the world or following God. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego learned from Daniel, the influence of Daniel gave them strength to follow God.
They gave a gracious response to the king, while trusting in God. This kind of faith does not develop overnight, but through day to day time with God. God uses fire to develop and refine character. Their obedience was not dependent on God delivering them or on God always giving them what they want. What was most important is their obedience to God.
1Pet 3-7 God will walk through the fire with me and give me strength. This will show the power and faithfulness of God and Jesus Christ.
v19-25 God himself shows up when this kind of trial is experienced. We experience the sweetest presence of God in these times. Jesus was right there with them in the fire. Isa 43:1-2, Ps 23:4
v26-30 Nebuchadnezzer only called the 3 men out, but he saw 4 In the fire. Only what bound them was burned. Sometimes God takes us through a fire in order to burn off what binds us. They did not even smell like smoke - no need to let our experiences define who we are. We are not about our fame, but about God's fame.

The Book of Daniel: Pride

Daniel Chapter 4
Pride is a part of the fallen human condition. God hates pride.
James 4:6, 1:22-25, Prov 6:16-18, 2 Tim 3:14-17, Jer 29:1-32, v7, 10-12, let God use you even in the middle of the struggle. Pray.
Those who are prideful can easily be humbled by God.
How do we fight pride in our lives?
1. Admit and repent. v34, 2Pet 3:8-10
2. Humble yourself.  v34-35, 17
3. Praise Him!!! v37
4. Tell others. v2

The Book of Daniel: Handwriting on the wall

Daniel 5
v22-23 The king knew what he should have done, but did not do it. He set himself up against the Lord of heaven. Indulgence, indifference, and irreverence.
We do the same thing, and make it all about us.
Prov 1:29-32, Rom 3:23, Mt 5:3,
We need to come to a place of brokenness, Isa 6:5, 1 Tim 1:15, Rev 3:14-22
Don't fool yourself into thinking you are OK.
Repent! Confess your brokenness. Turn toward Jesus. Focus on Jesus, run to Him.

The Book of Daniel: An Everlasting Kingdom

Chapter 7: Daniel's vision of the end times
4 beasts = 4 kingdoms in Dan 2:31-45 Nebuchadnezzar's dream (Babylon, Medes, Persia, Rome=4th beast)
v8 little horn = the Antichrist. v20-25.
v9 Ancient of days = God Almighty. Ps 9:7, 92, 93:2, 102:25-27. There is a God, and that God will bring justice on this earth. Dan 7:13-14. Not only did Daniel see God Almighty, but the Son of God being placed on the throne. Rev 19:11-21.
1. Jesus is coming back again and no one knows the time or day. We should be ready at all times.
2. We must look beyond our earthly circumstances and into eternity.
3. Jesus is coming back again, therefore we should all know him.
4. Because eternity is forever, we should focus on it more than on earthly things. Live our lives in the light of eternity.

The Book of Daniel: Resolved

Daniel 1
1. Our ability to affect our culture begins with inner resolve. v8 They chose to follow God in the midst of adverse circumstances. Gen 11:4-9, Isa 47:5-8, Rev 18:1-7, Babylon was an evil culture. Phil 3:19, Prov 4 :23, Col 3:1
2. We will never affect our culture if we are not gracious. v8, 11-13. We must love God and love others. Can't be jerks.
3. God will give favor to those who are resolved and gracious. v9,14-16, 19-20

Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Book of Daniel: Daniel 1

-God is in control! He is in control of all things at all times. 2Chron 36:5-21 God's people kept sinning and getting farther away from God, so God led them away into captivity. 2Kings 24:1-3, Hab 1:5-9, 3:16-19. Because God's people turned away, GOD raised up the Babylonians to take them into captivity.
-God is more interested in your holiness than in your comfort. How does my faith hold up in adverse circumstances? Do I really trust in God no matter what?
-God uses those who are faithful. Dan 1:3-8. They stuck to their beliefs even though they did not understand what was happening, and did not know the end of the story. We are called to impact the culture where God places us.
-God is sovereign over your circumstances.
-Deliberately and purposefully develop your identity in Christ.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Great Commission

The great commission - Mt 28:18-20
- go make disciples (followers) of Jesus
1. Going - go out and spend time with others, so that you can share the good news of Jesus with them. Be on mission wherever you are.
2. Baptizing - committing yourself to Jesus in front of others.
3. Teaching - in order for us to teach others, we have to be learning ourselves. Our lives should reflect Jesus, but we also have to open our mouths and tell them about Jesus.

Personal application:
1. Own the assignment - take it upon yourself.
2. Understand the method - life on life. Be involved in the lives of others.
3. Make the invitation. Ask others to be a part of something.
4. Stop making excuses.
5. Start somewhere.

All authority was given to Jesus, and he is with us always.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Flint: The Ascension

Lk 24:50-53, Acts 1:1-11

1. The ascension caused worship, not sorrow. The apostles reaction was worship because they finally understood: they had a full understanding of the gospel. As a result of their understanding, they worshipped continually. Ps 47:5-9 The result of our own understanding should be constant praise and worship.

2. The ascension marked the completion of Jesus life on earth. Jn 17:1-5, Eph 1:19-23, Phil 2:9-11, Rev 5:11-13. Jesus is back in heaven, but is still interceeding for us.

3. The ascension was for our good because we received the Holy Spirit. Jn 3, Acts 1:8

4. The ascension comes with a great promise: Jesus will come back someday.  Acts 1:11, Jn 14:1-3

5. We are to be messengers of the good news of Jesus. Acts 1:8. Don't just long for heaven, tell others about Jesus!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Internal change By Scott Drachnick

We need more than an external change, we need the internal change that Jesus offers. 2Cor 5 :14-21
- New condition: it's an internal transformation based on what Jesus has done for us. Jer 31:31-33, Titus 3:4-7. Eternal life has already begun for us. Rely on the power of Jesus. Make a daily decision to live out our life in Christ.
- New purpose: we are to foster reconciliation with God and with others. Mt 5:9. Can people see the reconciliation with God and others in our lives? Col 3:22-13. Be a peacemaker. 2Cor 5:20-21
- New identity:

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Flint: The Resurrection!

Jn 20:1-8
Lk 24:9-12
The question is - what happened on Sunday? Did the Romans steal the body, the Jews, the disciples?
No! The disciples all died because of their belief Jesus rose from the dead.
1Cor 15:3-8 Many people saw Jesus after the resurrection.
So what?
1Pet 1:3-5
- we've been given a brand new life and relationship with God v3.  If it's not true, we are crazy and still in our sin. 1Cor 15:14-17
The evidence for Jesus's resurrection would stand up against argument except for 2 things: it's a very unusual event, and if you believe it - you have to change your life.
- we have hope v3.  A living hope - it's true, you can be assured it is true. We put our hope in all kinds of craziness, but the only real hope is in Jesus.
- we have a future in heaven v4. There's a heavenly inheritance that will blow away anything this world had to offer. This inheritance does not depend on us, it's all through Jesus, and it will not spoil our fade.
Abba, I belong to you!

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Flint: The Cross

Mk 15:16-24, Lk 23:32-49
The physical aspects of crucifixion were intense and terribly painful.
The cross is not a story of tragic defeat, but one of priceless victory.
Jn 19:30 He gave his life willingly.
Lk 19:10 He came to seek and save the lost.
Isa 53 5-10 He paid the price for our sins.
2Cor 5 :17-21 He became sin for us, took our sin upon himself.
Col 2:13-14 We were dead in our sins, but God made us alive through the death and resurrection of Christ. Our sins were nailed to the cross - the book of our sins was nailed to the cross.
Rev 20:11-15 Those whose names are not in the book of life, are thrown into the lake of fire.
Three responses:
Lk 23:48 People had an emotional response.
Lk 23:35-39 People mocked Jesus.
Lk 23:40-42 People realized Jesus was exactly who he said he was, and his blood was shed for them, and they were saved.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Flint: The betrayal and the denial

A walk through the trial of Jesus.
The betrayal: Mt 26:45-56, Lk 22:51
6 trials - half Jewish, half Roman.  All trials were unfair. First 3 trials took place at night, which was illegal. The Jews did not follow any of their own laws about trials.
Trial 1: Annas: Jn 18:12-13, 19-24
Trial 2: Caiaphas: Mk 14:53-65
Trial 3: Sanhedrin: Lk 22:66-71
Trial 4: Roman governor Pilate: Jn 18:28-38
Trial 5: Herod: Lk 23:6-12
Trial 6: Pilate: Mt 27:15-26
All of this fulfilled prophecy: Isa 50:6-7
All of this is true, Jesus did all of this for me, for us.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Flint: The cup and the garden

Jesus had such strength and power, compassion and love. There are so many stories that tell about these characteristics.
Mt 26:36-46 This story speaks of Jesus being overwhelmed and in agony.
Heb 4:14-15; 5:2, 7-9 Jesus can empathize with our weaknesses and temptation.
- This passage really highlights the ugliness of our sin. Our sin and God's wrath were in the cup that overwhelmed him. When he embraced that cup, he knew that there would be separation between himself and his Father.
- This passage highlights the incredible love of Jesus. v39, 42 He was willing to take on the cup because of his love for us.
- This passage highlights the love of the Father. v39, 42 The Father said nothing. He let his love for us overrule his love for his Son, Jesus. God allowed his Son to become sin. 2Cor 5:21; Isa 53:5-6, 10; Jn 3:16

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Flint: The Last Supper

Lk 22:14-16
Jesus eagerly desired to spend this last supper with his disciples, even though they were common, imperfect men: ones who doubted and denied him, were impulsive and focused on themselves, sinners, those who betrayed him, were religious but had no true relationship with Jesus.
These are the people Jesus wanted around him, knowing exactly who they were. 
God wants us and loves us, just the way we are. He furiously longs to know us. 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Flint: The Triumphal Entry

Therefore I have set my face like flint. Isa 50:7
Lk 9:51 Jesus resolutely went to Jerusalem. Isa 50 :5-7

The Triumphal Entry. Lk 19:28-44
v 30, 32 The king could commandeer things he needed. Jesus used this rule to obtain the donkey. Zac 9:9
v 35-36 He came in as a king would do
v 37-38 The people praised him, thinking he would be an earthly king that would save them from the Romans
v 39-41, John 12:12-14, 12:17-19, Jesus' entry was bothersome for the Pharisees. Jesus looked over Jerusalem and wept for those who did not understand or know Him.
1. Jesus is God, all-knowing and all-powerful. CS Lewis - Lord, liar, or lunatic. As we read this scene, we must decide for ourselves if Jesus is God.
2. Many were close to salvation, but they missed it completely. People today do the exact same thing, and miss out on salvation.
3. Jesus will be worshipped, now and forever! v 40 In this moment, Jesus does not stop the people's praise, he embraces it. Jesus loves us unconditionally, not based on anything we do.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Connecting With Others by Scott Drachnik

Mt 9:35-38
1. See the eyes and heart of Jesus.
v 36 What Jesus saw made him feel a certain way. Ps 34:15-18 What Jesus saw moved him to action. Sometimes we can't see beyond our own needs. Phil 2:4 Get my eyes of myself, and into the needs of others. 1 John 4:20
- as Christ followers, we are to reflect the eyes and heart of Jesus
- don't just look at our own needs
2. The perspective of Jesus
v 36, Lk 5:29-32 People are the main purpose of our lives. All people are created in the image of God. Ps 23 The Lord is my shepherd. Mt 11:28-30
3. The prayer of Jesus.
v 37-38 C.S. Lewis said, "we don't pray to change God, we pray so God can change us."
- Jesus is Lord of the harvest. Just as the Father sent Jesus, Jesus sends us.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

327 Blank Pages by Rick Tucker

Phil 3:13-14 Press on toward the goal for which God has called you.
If God forgave Saul, he will forgive us.
Each one of us have 327 Blank Pages (days) before us in 2015.
Phil 3:10 I want to know Christ, and become more like him.
Ezra is a good example of this. Ezra 7:10 Ezra was devoted to the study of the Word, and teaching it to others. (Ezra's story in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah)
Satan wants to defeat us, but if we go to church, home teams, memorize/quote scripture, read and study the Word, meditate on the Word day and night, and obey, and Satan will have a very difficult time defeating us. 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Exponential: Sermon on the Amount

Biblical generosity: Mal 1:8, 10, 14, 3:6-12
- It is possible to rob God by not giving him my best. Am I bringing God my best? God does not want anything less than the best I have to offer.
- Give a tithe (10%), not just of your money, but of yourself also
- 2Cor 9:6-8, 8:1-2, Generous, cheerful, sacrificial giving.
- We need a plan. Give, save, spend.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Exponential: True Treasure

There's a fundamental connection between our spiritual life and how we handle our stuff. Lk 3, 19:8-10, Acts 2, 4. When our hearts are affected by Jesus, we will pour out generosity upon others.
1. 1 Timothy 6:17. Put your hope in God, not in your wealth. The main competitor for your heart is going to be your money.
2. 1 Timothy 6:18. Rich people should be good-er and generous-er. Always have your eyes open looking for opportunities to give to others.
3. 1 Timothy 6:17-19. We should view our riches in light of eternity. The motivation for our generosity should be eternal life. Lk 12:13-21 You leave it all behind when you die, so we should be rich towards God. Mt 6:19-21