Sunday, July 6, 2014

Toxic: Toxic Relationships

We can surround ourselves with life-giving or life-draining people.
- 5 types of toxic people:
1. The Critic: always finds the worst in situations and people. Ex 16:2-3
2. Mr. Negative: never have anything positive to say.
3. The Controller: control freak, always telling you what you should do
4. EGR (extra grace required): needy, drain you out
5. The Tempter: always tempting you to do something bad
- We need to be aware of these people, and evaluate ourselves too
- Choose your friends carefully. They will affect your life. 1 Cor 5:33, Prov 12:26, 13:20. You should be involved with your church family. Your closest friends should be believers, because the people who are the closest to you will be your greatest spiritual asset, or your worse curse.
- You may need to end some relationships. 2 Cor 6:14, Gen 39 - Joseph and Potipher's wife.
-A friend is someone who loves, is willing to have deep conversations, and is loyal. Prov 17:17, 27:9
Jesus is the ultimate friend. Prov 18:24, Jn 15:13.

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