Sunday, September 27, 2020

Being Friends with God

Ginóskó: to come to know, to know, especially through personal experience
Mt 7:22-23; Phil 3:8-10
God's heart is for us to truly know Him.
Jn 15:13 Jesus died for his friends, he is my friend. Jn 15:14 
1. Spend time with God, read His Word
2. Pray without ceasing, your conversation with God never ends
3. Take God with you wherever you go, because he's already there. Our relationship with God is a cure for loneliness.
4. Being friends with God requires loving wherever you go. Jn 15:12-14
5. Being friends with God means talking with Him first. God wants to be as involved in my life as I will let Him.
Friendship with God turns prayer into conversation with our Creator.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

2030: The Importance of Prayer

1. There's an expectation of prayer. Mt 6:5-15, 21:13; Mk 1:35. 
2. The early church prayed. Acts 2:42
3. We can pray confidently. Heb 4:14-16
4. We should pray continually. Ps 55:16-17; 1 Thess 5:16-18
5. Pray powerfully. Jas 5:13-16
6. Pray for boldness. Acts 4:29-31
7. Pray to know God better.