Jas 5:7-12 Patience
- Be patient. v7-8. Be long-fused. Mt 5:10-11, following Jesus is hard. 2 Tim 3:12.
- Be patient, God is accomplishing something in you. v7, the farmer plants the seed, trusts God, and waits for rain. We are in control of absolutely nothing, God is in control. We must do what we need to do, and then trust God. It's a process. Don't give up, God will reap a harvest in your life. Gal 6:9.
- Be patient with each other. Don't grumble against one another, v9, 12. No drama, just say yes or no. Ps 15:4.
- Be patient even when our circumstances are unfair or unjust. v10, remember the prophets and their suffering.
- Be patient because He loves you more than you can possibly understand. v11, remember Job's perseverance and what the Lord finally brought about. Job 1:21, 13:15. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy, and He loves us unconditionally.
- Be patient. Jesus is coming back! v8. 2 Tim 4:8; Rom 8:18; 2 Cor 4:17; Rev 21:4.
Sunday, August 27, 2017
Jas 5:7-12
Sunday, August 20, 2017
Jas 5:1-6
Jas 5:1-6
Materialism - putting material possessions and our comfort ahead of spiritual growth.
God blesses His people. Prov 10:22. How are we using His blessings?
v1-3 We are "you rich people." We shouldn't chase after or celebrate our wealth and possessions, because they will be gone. Mt 6:19-20
v4 Don't treat people wrong in order to gain success.
v5 Don't live in luxury and self-indulgence.
v6 Living for material possessions can cost us eternity.
How do we fight materialism?
1. Give to God. Giving is for us, to remind us that everything we have is from God. Mal 3:8-10
2. Care deeply for others.
3. Learn to be content. 1 Tim 6:6-10, 17
Sunday, August 13, 2017
Jas 4:13-17
Jas 4:13-17
-Life is uncertain. v13-14. Prov 21:5, 15:22 It's good to plan, but God needs to be the center of your planning.
-Life is brief. v4:14. We are not as significant as we think we are in the big picture of life. Life passes really fast. Why would we make plans and not consult God about it?
-Live with a God conciousness. v15. Realize that everything in our lives is "Lord willing." I need to live my life with a constant desire to please God. Don't compartmentalize Jesus. Our relationship with Jesus affects everything.
-Do what you are supposed to do. v16-17. Boasting and planning without God is sin. Not following His direction is evil.
How do we do this?
1. Be saved.
2. Know Him.
3. Do His will. Jn 4:34; 1 Jn 2:17; Ps 32:8a
4. Live with a God conciousness. 1 Cor 10:31. Do everything for the glory of God.
5. Remember His Grace. We can celebrate His forgiveness when we do sin.
Sunday, August 6, 2017
Jas 4:7-12
Jas 4:7-12
Prov 18:3 God hates pride. Phil 2:6-8 Jesus made himself nothing in complete humility. Humility is the heart of Christ-likeness. Humility is necessary to living a life that brings glory to God and ultimate joy. Jn 15:8, Mt 5:16.
1. Humility starts with a realistic evaluation of our condition as human beings. Jer 4:14 our hearts are deceitfully wicked. Eph 2:8-10. Nothing in us cries out to God on our own. v7 - submit to God first, and then resist the devil.
2. Humility requires intentionality. v8-10. Daily humble ourselves and rid ourselves of sin.
3. Humility leads to spiritual growth. Prov 11:2. God cannot fill us if we are full of ourselves.
4. Humility practiced, changes everything! v11-12. Phil 2:3-5. Brings joy, peace and fulfilment.
God, where am I stealing your glory?