Luke 10:25-37 the parable of the good Samaritan
This is a story about salvation that started with the question, "What must I do to inherit eternal life?" It's a matter of the heart - what do you love? Is it Jesus, or your own life, self, or stuff? We cannot do anything to inherit eternal life, it was already done for us by Jesus. He lived a perfect life and went to the cross to pay the debt for our sins. Place your faith in Jesus.
Because of the love of Jesus, we are called to be good neighbors.
1. Being a good neighbor is costly. v34-35
2. Being a good neighbor can be risky and even dangerous.
3. Being a good neighbor will inconvenience you. (timing)
4. Being a good neighbor requires action, not just words. Jas 2:14-17, 1 Jn 3:16-18
5. Being a good neighbor means someone will take advantage of you.
6. Being a good neighbor will sometimes make you uncomfortable. v33 a Samaritan - looked down upon by the Jews, they hated each other. Had pity - meant he felt it in his gut, incredible love and compassion. Same word used in the story of the prodigal son when the father saw the son and ran to him.
Sunday, October 30, 2016
What Jesus Asked: Which of these do you think was a neighbor?
Sunday, October 9, 2016
What Jesus Asked: Why are you so afraid?
Mk 4:35-41
1. Jesus in your boat is no exemption from storms. v37
2. Jesus allows storms to drive us to him. v38, Jas 1:2-3
3. Jesus can handle any storm. v39-40, What do we have that Jesus can't handle?
4. We have a choice to respond in fear or faith. v40, Jesus equated fear with lack of faith in him. The reality is that he is with us through the storm.
5. There's a good kind of fear. v41, a healthy fear of God. Worship Him with awe, fear, and reverence.
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Body Armor: Ephesians 6:17b
Ephesians 6:17b Sword of the Spirit
The first offensive weapon
Validity of the scriptures (CAMP)
Consistency - 66 books written by 40 different authors, etc. Still the scripture is consistent. 2 Tim 3:16-17
Archaeology - no finding has ever disproved the Bible.
Manuscript evidence - most copies of the original work New testament 5,600 Greek copies, plus Latin, etc.
Prophecy - 2500 prophecies in scripture, over 2000 have already been fulfilled, many by Christ.
Scripture is the Sword of the Spirit, a double edged sword. Mt 4:1-11, Jesus answered Satan with scripture each time.
Soldiers trained daily with their swords, so they were ready when the battle came.
The Word of God - the word used means specific verses (memorize verses)