Mk 15:16-24, Lk 23:32-49
The physical aspects of crucifixion were intense and terribly painful.
The cross is not a story of tragic defeat, but one of priceless victory.
Jn 19:30 He gave his life willingly.
Lk 19:10 He came to seek and save the lost.
Isa 53 5-10 He paid the price for our sins.
2Cor 5 :17-21 He became sin for us, took our sin upon himself.
Col 2:13-14 We were dead in our sins, but God made us alive through the death and resurrection of Christ. Our sins were nailed to the cross - the book of our sins was nailed to the cross.
Rev 20:11-15 Those whose names are not in the book of life, are thrown into the lake of fire.
Three responses:
Lk 23:48 People had an emotional response.
Lk 23:35-39 People mocked Jesus.
Lk 23:40-42 People realized Jesus was exactly who he said he was, and his blood was shed for them, and they were saved.
The physical aspects of crucifixion were intense and terribly painful.
The cross is not a story of tragic defeat, but one of priceless victory.
Jn 19:30 He gave his life willingly.
Lk 19:10 He came to seek and save the lost.
Isa 53 5-10 He paid the price for our sins.
2Cor 5 :17-21 He became sin for us, took our sin upon himself.
Col 2:13-14 We were dead in our sins, but God made us alive through the death and resurrection of Christ. Our sins were nailed to the cross - the book of our sins was nailed to the cross.
Rev 20:11-15 Those whose names are not in the book of life, are thrown into the lake of fire.
Three responses:
Lk 23:48 People had an emotional response.
Lk 23:35-39 People mocked Jesus.
Lk 23:40-42 People realized Jesus was exactly who he said he was, and his blood was shed for them, and they were saved.