Fasting - a Christian's voluntary abstinence from food for spiritual purposes.
Mt 6:16-18 There is an expectation that we will fast. Our fast should be between us and God, not outwardly visible. Fasting was practiced throughout the Bible.
It is to be done with a purpose. (guidance, direction, deliverance, perfection, overcome temptation, to humble yourself, for spiritual focus, etc.)
Isa 58
- v3 fasting is not about religious activity. It's easy to get distracted by religious activities, and forget that we need to have a heart that is connected with God.
- v3 it's not about manipulating God. Our fasting should be about praying and being connected to God.
- v3-4 do not let fasting bring out anger.
- v7 let fasting make your thoughts more like God's thoughts, and care about others.
- v8 if we fast in the proper way, God will hear our prayers and answer them, He will make us more like Jesus. God will have our back.
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Prayer: Prayer and Fasting
Prayer: House of Prayer 9/20/14
Mt 21:12-17 Jesus cleared the temple
What should have been a beautiful act of worship, was turned into an ugly business where they could make profit. They were focused on the wrong thing.
Jer 7:1-11 v4 the people were trying to justify their sinful actions because they were going to church. Den of robbers equals religious activity without a heart change.
Isa 56:3-7 House of prayer is for all who love God and serve him. All who truly love him are welcome. Come with a heart that is broken and full of love, and God will accept you.
What does a house of prayer look like?
There is healing. Mt 21 v14 Jesus healed. Jesus saves. v15 wondrous equals more than just what man could do.
There is praise. v15-16 Hosanna to the son of David means that a savior has come. 2 Chron 7:1-4 The glory of the Lord filled the temple.
Prayer: Big God, Big Prayers
Jeremiah 33:1-3
1. We have been given an incredible invitation. v.3 Call on me.
- it is personal - from Yahweh
- it is powerful - God is all-powerful. The power behind the offer is based on the competency of the one making the offer.
2. We have been given an incredible promise. v.3 And I will answer you.
Psalm 139:1-16, Mt 10:29-32, Eph 1, Psalm 135:6, Ex 32:9-14 God would love to say yes to our prayers. Luke 11:9-13 Ask for the Holy Spirit to guide us. Jer
32:26-27 There is nothing we can bring before God that he doesn't know or can't handle.