Have you ever felt like God disappointed you?
2Cor 12:1-10
1. We all have the tendency to become conceited. Paul's boasting in his own weaknesses challenges our preoccupation with ourselves.
2. The thorn was given to Paul. God allowed it. The thorn tormented Paul and it was ongoing. It caused him to cry out to God to take it away.
3. Sometimes God's best answer is No. 2Cor 12:9. Maybe the thing we want to get rid of is the thing that makes us reliant upon God. No matter what we are facing or dealing with, God's Grace is sufficient.
4. Let God's Grace rest upon you. 2Cor 12:9. "Rest" means "to pitch a tent over." God drapes over us like a tent. Sufficient grace does not promise us life without struggles, but it does promise us that God will be draped over us. 2Cor 12:10. How about you? Will you rest in God's Grace and strength?
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Grace: Sufficient Grace
Grace: Excel in Grace
2Cor 8:1-9 a lifestyle of generosity
1. Grace comes down. v1
All generosity begins with the grace of God, it flows from the overwhelming love and grace of God. Eph 2:8-10, 2Cor 12:9. Everyday we have to walk in God's strength and grace. Common grace: a beautiful sunrise, a delicious meal, hugs, etc.
2. Joy rises up. v2
Overflowing joy can come from the grace of God in the midst of extreme poverty or circumstances. Everyday we need to examine where our joy is coming from - God or our stuff? We can enjoy our stuff, but our true Joy should come from Jesus. Job 1:21
3. Generosity flowed out. v2-9
When our joy truly comes from God, we will overflow with generosity for others. God will show us where He wants our overflowing joy to be poured out.
Grace: Legos and Grace
Grace in community. We are all a part of God's family.
Eph 2:19-22
1. Those who have experienced grace have become part of God's household. John
2. Jesus is the foundation of the family - the cornerstone. v19-20 Everything we do should start with Jesus.
3. Jesus is building his family. v21-22 We are all different (like Legos), but God uses all of our uniqueness to build His beautiful family.
The reason we need to be together as a family, is so others will look on and join God's family.
Acts 4:32-35, 2:42-47
Grace: Saved By Grace
Saved by grace: Eph 2:1-10
Mercy - not getting what you deserve
Grace - getting what you don't deserve
What we deserve is the full wrath of God, instead He gave us mercy, and through grace he gave us salvation through Christ Jesus.
1. Saved from what? Spiritual death and the wrath of God: Eph 2:1-3, we are dead in our sins and separated from God.
2. Saved by what? By God's Grace. Jesus took all of God's wrath and died on the cross for us! Eph 2:4-7
3. Saved for what? For good works, which God has prepared for us to do. Eph 2:10, 1:7-8
Sunday, August 10, 2014
The Lord's Supper
It's an ordinance for the church (Jesus prescribed two practices for the church: baptism and the Lord's Supper). Lk 22:19-20, 1 Cor 11:17-30
- The Lord's Supper calls us to unity. 1 Cor 10:14-17, 11:17-22. There should be no cliques in our church. We are all in this together.
- The Lord's Supper reminds us of Jesus' death. 1 Cor 11:24-25. How can we be divided if we are focused on what Jesus did for us on the cross?
- The Lord's Supper is a proclamation of Jesus' death. 1 Cor 11:26. He died for us, to cover our sins.
- The Lord's Supper is a time of anticipation. 1 Cor 11:26. He's coming back!
- The Lord's Supper provides an opportunity for self examination. 1 Cor 11:28-31.