Psalm 42
When you find yourself in tough circumstances, preach the gospel to yourself. Peter said that our hope is not in this world, but in Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 1:3-9.
Who talks like this? No matter what they went through, they praised God. Psalm 42:1-2, Hab 3:17-19, Job 1:20-21, Phil 1:21-22
- Do I seek after God the way that a dehydrated deer seeks after water? Why not??? Idols are the reason I don't seek after God the way I should. We love other stuff more than we love God. Ex 32:1-6, Ps 106:19-20, Mt 6:19-21. What do I put before God? No matter what it is, it will someday be gone. God will always be there. 2Cor 4:16 This should be a reminder that my body and my idols will waste away. Ezekiel 14:1-5 God will answer us, but will focus on our idols and our hearts, because he wants our whole heart. Jas 4:4-5. God longs jealously for us.
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Psalm 42
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Abigail by Rick Tucker
Abigail - 1 Sam 25
We can help ourselves and those around us avoid great pain if we use wisdom and do the right thing in the right way at the right time.
- Abigail did the wise thing. She showed great wisdom. A wise person knows the right thing, and does it. Prov 4:5-13, 3:13-18 Our wisdom will impact those around us. God, what is the wisest thing I can do in this situation?
Read Proverbs over and over again, and read all of scripture, seek wisdom from godly people.
- Abigail did the right thing in the right way. She came with grace and humility, chose her words carefully, and heaped praise upon David. She reminded David who he was and who God was. Prov 15:1 Do not answer with harsh words.
- Abigail did the right thing at the right time. She acted immediately. Wisdom requires action. She didn't let fear stop her. She didn't think or talk about doing the right thing - she DID it. Prov 6:6-11 Do not be lazy. Seek wisdom. Breathe, pray, ask for wisdom, then ACT.
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Psalm 42
Life can be a struggle and a mess.
Ps 42 Longing for God, feeling of being rejected, forgotten.
Just because you are Christian, life is not always going to go the way you want.
v.9 God, why have you forgotten me?
-Humbly coming before God to admit our struggles.
- he acknowledges God's control v.7
- he sings and at night his song is with me v.8
- he talked to himself v.5, and answers himself - put your hope in God! No matter what, God loves me.
- he reminded himself of great times of worship. v.4
- he thirsts for God. v.1