Rom 6:1-6 Baptism
-What is baptism? It is our public declaration of our faith in Jesus.
-Why do we baptize? Jesus commanded it. Mt 28:19-20. Jesus modeled it for us. Mk 1:9-10.
-How do we baptize? By immersion, which is how Jesus did it. Acts 8:38. The Greek word for baptize means sinking down under. Immersion best symbolizes death and raising to new life.
-Who do we baptize? Believers - those have been saved, and who are old enough to give testimony of their faith in Jesus. Acts 2:41, 8:12, 18:8. No instances of infant baptism in scripture.
-Does baptism save? No. It is not a condition of your salvation, it is a sign of your salvation. Heb 9:22 The blood of Jesus is what saves us. Lk 23:39-43 The thief on the cross was saved, but not baptised.
-What should I do? The most important thing is salvation! Then be baptised as evidence of your faith.
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Rescued: Baptism
Rescued: Man overboard
- Are you with me? Do you struggle with sin? Rom 7:14-25 - I am a slave to sin. I don't do what I should do, and do what I should not be doing. Who will rescue me? Jesus! (This is written by Paul AFTER salvation and transformation.)
Rom 8:1-2 - There is no condemnation in Jesus!
- There is an expectation of change for Christians. We should be changing and becoming more like Jesus. Rom 6:1-2, 1 Thess 4:1-3a.
- God is in the business of rescuing and changing people! Ex 2:11-12 - Moses killed an Egyptian, but God still used him mightily. 2 Sam - David, Bathsheba, and Uriah. John 4 - the woman at the well. Lk 19 - Zaccheus. Acts 26 - Paul's story. Rom 5:8
Sunday, April 6, 2014
The Movement: The best week ever
The best week ever for all of us happened about 2,000 years ago - Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday - Jesus' death and resurrection.
After all that happened to him, he said "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." What kind of man says this? Only Jesus, the Son of God.
Mt 21:1-11
Malchus - John 18:1-11 Jesus used the same words as God, "I am." You've got to wonder what Malchus was thinking. Who is this man?
Peter - had no doubt about who Jesus was, claimed he would never betray Jesus, Mt 26:69-75. Peter wept bitterly after he betrayed Jesus. How often are we betraying Jesus, maybe not with our words, but with the actions of our lives?
Pilate - Mt 27:15-26 Stuck in the middle of knowing Jesus was innocent, and the riotous crowd wanting to crucify Jesus.
Barrabus - best day ever, was released even though he was guilty and Jesus was innocent.
Me - I was there. Crucifying Jesus because of my sin. Just as though Barrabus was set free and Jesus took his place, Jesus takes my place and the punishment for my sin and guilt.
BUT, there is hope! Jesus rose from the dead on the third day, and LIVES.