1 Ki. 18 Elijah and the prophets of Baal.
Elijah is calling out the people of God, not the prophets of Baal. But the people were silent. He does this so that the people's hearts will be drawn back to God.
We have settled for so many gods, and waver between them and the real God.
- obedience is a huge part of being involved in God stuff. I want my life to matter. Elijah obeyed God for a looong time before this event happened. When God speaks, we should obey. 1 Ki 17:1-5, 8-10; 18:1-2 God most often speaks to us through his word.
- prayer is a huge part of being involved in God stuff. Need to be in prayer constantly. Ja 5:13-18
- there is no power in dancing. It's not about the outward experience, it's about the heart being in tune with the one true God. Don't just follow customs, be truly linked with God in spirit.
- No wavering!!! Choose God alone, not idols. Duet 30:15-18 Don't worship ourselves, materialism, comfort, sports, tv, family, etc. Worship God alone!
- God is the hero of this story 1 Ki 8:39
★if I want to experience the supernatural fire called down from heaven, I need to be prepared by obeying, praying, being in God's word, being one with him in spirit.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Sermon: Elijah
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Sermon: Sampson
Judges 13-16
Sampson was set apart from birth, and should never cut his hair. He fell in love with a Philistine woman. He had great strength from God, but was tricked by Delilah, and ended up captured and in prison. He died by crumbling the philistine temple and killing many philistine people.
- it is easy to get off track. Judges 13:1-5 Sampson was set apart for God from the beginning. Num 6:1-5 Along the way Sampson lost his vision. Pray to follow God's vision and obey. Judges 14:9 should not have touched a dead animal. He hid this sin, and got off track.
- stay away from bad boys and bad girls.
- if you have been crushed, you must get past it. Judges 15:1-3 Sampson was out for revenge instead of following God. We need to get over being hurt and move on with God. ★ You cannot make good decisions if you're still crushed from past hurts.
- when the world closes in on you, you need to worship and pray. Don't break down. Run back to God's arms, He's waiting for you.
- it is never ever too late to turn back to God. Judges 16:28 God heard his prayer. Sampson is in Heb chapter 11 as a man of faith.
- like Jesus, Sampson gave his life to save his people.
★ I've been crushed and need to get past it. Run to God, pray, worship. Get out of the pit, Christy!
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Sermon: Joseph by Cameron Cathcart
Isa 55:8-9 we look at life from our human perspective, instead of from God's perspective.
We will have trouble in this life, and its easy to get angry with God. We need to trust him, especially in troubled times.
Gen 39:1-2 The Lord was with Joseph.
Gen 39:20-21,
You will have tribulation, but take heart because he has overcome the world.
God is sovereign
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Sermon: David and Goliath
1 Sam 17
-as always, God is the hero of the story. v46-47 David is a foreshadowing of Jesus coming in the new testament
-Goliath was not the opposition, fear and pride were. David knew it wasn't about himself, but about God. Giants in our lives are opportunities for people to see how awesome God is.
-God is watching and is preparing you for the battles ahead. v34-36. Ps 19:1-6 God knows what is coming in our lives, and is always preparing us to do his work and bring glory to God. God chooses nobodys to become somebodys to bring glory to God.
-Take the first step. v40. Don't hang back in fear, press forward in God's strength and power. But you'd better know God, and have faith in him. "Faith is belief plus unbelief, but acting on the belief part"