Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas playlist: Simeon's song

Lk 2:22-28 Joseph and Mary go to the temple to sacrifice.  Lev 12:1-8 cleansing after giving birth. Simeon was just a man, and he was waiting for God's salvation, the Messiah.

Lk 2:28-35 Do I have a heart like Simeon's? One that is looking for Jesus - ready and waiting for him? One in which seeing Jesus would be the completion of my life? Phil 1:19-21, 2 Cor 5:1-8 Am I head over heels in love with Jesus? Am I walking by faith instead of by sight? Don't just be comfortable with life, live for Jesus alone.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve: The old old story (Sunrise)

Lk 2:1-17 The Christmas story.
It's a story that does not follow traditions: the census, the dangerous trip to Bethlehem, Mary's pregnancy, sleeping in a stable, the birth of Jesus that night, no clothes for the baby, put the baby in a food trough, angels coming to shepherds, lowly shepherds coming to see a King.
We develop traditions that embrace this story, we will draw near top God.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas playlist: the Angels' song

Lk 2:1-14
- He came that we might have peace.
  - peace with God: a Savior for our sin. Jesus was the righteousness we could never attain, and paid our debt. Ro 5:1
  - peace with other people: Ro 12:17-21
  - peace within ourselves: Phil 4:6-7
- God has shown us favor. He has displayed His goodwill toward us over and over. 2 Pet 3:9, Jn 3:16
- God's glory is on full display. Ex 34:6-7, 2 Chron 7:1-3, Is 6:1-3, 1 Pet 1:10-12. The angels are in awe of the Savior, and our salvation. They thought that day was the most magnificent display of God's power they had ever seen.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Christmas Playlist: Zechariah's Song

Lk 1:67-80 Zechariah's song
Lk 1:5-25 Zechariah was chosen to burn incense, which was a one in a lifetime event. An angel appears to Zechariah, and told him that he and Elizabeth would have a son and he would be a prophet like Elijah to point people to Jesus.
Mal 4:4-6 A prophet like Elijah will come
Lk 1:57-66 the angel's prophecy comes true and Zechariah praises God.
-My timetable and God's timetable are two totally different things! This story happened 400 years after Malachi prophesied about it. I should be praying consistently, and never stop believing in God. 2 Pet 3:8-10
-God will turn your doubt and pain into joy and worship! Zechariah had unbelief, and God disciplined him by not allowing him to talk until John was named. God's discipline may not feel like his love, but it does come from his love for us. Heb 12:5-8; Prov 3:11-12
-This is His story, not my story! It's not about me, it's about God and Jesus' love and sacrifice. He wants me to be part of His story.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Jesus:He is Enough

Jesus is enough- it's not about a list of do's and don'ts. We deserve God's wrath because we followed the world, Satan, and our fleshly desires. Ro 3:23, 6:23
His love and sacrifice for us is all we need, and will never be based on our ability or what we do. Eph 2:1-10
Come to Jesus, and he is enough.
We are created to do good works for God. We should be living our lives everyday on mission to serve God and others.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Jesus: He's coming back!

-Jesus is coming back! Acts 1:9-11; Jn 14:1-3; 1Thess 4:13-17; Rev 19:11-16; Phil 2:9-11; Rev 21
-There will be two judgements.
  1.The great white throne judgement. (Bad) Rev 20:11-15; Mt 7:13-14
  2. The Bema seat judgement. (Good) Lk 14:13-14; 2Cor 5:10; there will be rewards, crowns; 2Tim 4:6-8
-Be ready. Mt 24:36-44
-Stand firm. 1Cor 15:55-58
-Have hope. Tit 2:11-14

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Jesus: He is alive

Jesus rose from the dead! Wahoo!
Isa 53:5-6, 9-11;
Jesus predicts his death and resurrection Mk 8:31-32, 9:31-32, 10:32-34
Friday: ALL of our sins were placed upon Jesus.
Sunday: we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. Mt 28:1-9 Our reaction: We should fall on our faces and worship him with everything we are and have.
Jesus was truly dead.
Mt 28:11-15 the story that Jesus' body was stolen was made up as a cover story. Jesus' disciples would not have been willing to die horrific deaths if they had stolen the body.
Peter was a bumbling guy before Jesus' death, and afterward was one of the most eloquent leaders of the church. James, Jesus' brother, thought Jesus was crazy before he died, and was one of the leaders of the church after the resurrection. Paul was one of the top Pharisees until he had an experience with the resurrected Jesus, then became one of the most outspoken leaders of the church.
The resurrected Jesus will absolutely change us.
I can trust Jesus with my past, present, and future. 1Cor 15:12-20; Ro 8:1-4, 31-35; Eph 2:1-7

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Jesus: He came to save - Rick Tucker

Ex 40:34-38, Heb 9:7, Lev 16:1-30 took what was most important to the people as a sacrifice
The sins of all of the people were placed on the scapegoat, and it was released into the wilderness. Jesus is our scapegoat.
-Jesus is our high priest. Heb 7:23-28, 8:1-6 He is the ultimate high priest, innocent, sinless, living forever. Heb 8:10-13
-Jesus is the ultimate perfect sacrifice. Heb 10:1-10
-Jesus is our scapegoat. His sacrifice was complete.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Jesus: He came to serve

The person I think the most about in this world is myself. Jesus thought most about others and their needs.
Mk 10:35-45 James and John ask Jesus to be in positions of importance. This comes right after Jesus talks about his coming death. Jesus didn't chastise them for their request, but redirected them to the truth of sacrifice, suffering, and death.
-Jesus (God) came to serve. WOW! Mk 10:45 He gave his life as a ransom for many.  Phil 2:5-8
-We cannot serve others until we let Jesus serve us. Apart from Jesus, we would have no desire or ability to serve. Jesus fills us and we overflow onto others. If I only think about myself and serve myself, I will be miserable.
-Jesus' thoughts and practice concerning service are radical! Lk 22:24-30
-When we serve him, we are the beneficiaries, not the benefactors. Acts 17:24-28 We benefit by serving Jesus.
-There is a huge difference between hearing and doing. Jn 13:14-17 Jesus washes the disciples feet in order to serve them and set them an example of serving others.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Jesus: He gives us rest

We need to get past performance based Christianity and the guilt that comes with it. Instead, we need to rest in Jesus and trust in the sacrifice he made for us.
Mt 11:28-30 Come to me all who are weary and I will give you rest.
He's speaking to all of those who are feeling weighed down by rules and life.
-Come to me! It's an incredible invitation from Jesus to come to him. Start there.  This verse requires a response from us.
-Reject works-based salvation and righteousness. We can't follow all of the rules perfectly -Jesus has done all of that for us. 2 Cor 5:21, Rom 3:20, Mt 23:4, 1Jn 5:3, Acts 15:10, Gal 5:1 Jesus freed us so that we can be free!
-Rest in Jesus! He is gentle and here to give us rest, not to condemn us. Lk 10:38-42, Is 40:31, Eph 3:16-21

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Jesus: Friend of sinners

Lk 19:1-10 Jesus and Zacchaeus
Zacchaeus may have been short, but he was a despised rich man. He was probably very proud that Jesus picked him out from the whole crowd.
This story comes after the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector in Lk 18:9-14.
All of the people wondered why Jesus would want to hang out with Zacchaeus, a sinner.
Something supernatural changed in Zacchaeus between verse 6 and verse 8. He calls Jesus "Lord" and his attitude is different. Zacchaeus was radically changed and saved that day because he came face to face with Jesus.
We all are sinners in need of Jesus. As a church, we need to be about helping sinners find Jesus and salvation.
While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Rom 5:8

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Jesus: Who is Jesus?

Jesus WAS and IS God. There's no neutral ground.
What did Jesus say about himself?
-He came down from heaven. Jn 6:38, 41-42, 60, 66
-He was more than just a good man. Mk 10:17-18, don't call me good unless you are also calling me God.
-He was the son of man. Dan 7:13-14
-He performed miracles. Jn 10:36-39
-He said he was God. Mk 14:61-64
-He confirmed to others that he was God.  Mt
-He was sinless. Jn 8:46
-He forgave sin.  Mk 2:5
-He taught people to pay to him as God. In 14:13-14
-He claimed all authority.  Mt 28:18-20
-He is the only way to heaven. Jn 14:6
THAT is the Jesus who came and died for me.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sermon: What is church? Love one another

1Jn 3:11-18 Love one another.
- "one great priority of the church is one anothering one another." Much of this takes place outside of the sanctuary/church building.
-we must love each other, not hate each other.  1Jn 3:12-13, 15 Cain and Abel. Hating others is like murder. How do we handle it when we are angry with others in the church? Mt 5:23-24 make it right with your brother or sister. It's way easier to avoid the conflict than to face it.
---always operate from a position of grace. 1 Jn 3:1 extend grace
---take it serious and fix it now.  Mt 5:23-24, 18:15-17.
---watch your words! Jas. 3:2-6
-the love that we have for each other as brothers and sisters must make an impact. 1 Jn 3:16-18,  Jn 13:33-35. "Love one another as I have loved you. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
★Trust that if you love one another, God is going to do something spectacular!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sermon: What is church? Serious about our sin

We have to get serious about dealing with our sin.  We can be honest about our sin in church.
-the church is a place where the gospel needs to be proclaimed over and over...
-when you repent and are saved, transformation takes place, and you begin to have a hatred for sin Mt 4:17; Rev 2:5, 2:22, 3:2, 3:19.
-2 Cor 7:8-11 sorrow led to repentance.
-there is grief involved in repentance. We need to be sorry for our sin.
-our sin must repulse us. Energy to fight against sin. Hate sin.
-desire to make things right with other people.
-Godly sorrow leaves no regrets, but worldly sorrow leads to death. Worldly sorrow is more about us (sorry I got caught, sorry it hurt you...). Luke 18:9-14

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sermon: What is the Church? The Manifest Presence

What is the church? The body, a family, a people, the bride. Mt 16:18
The church is important.
Eph 2:17-22 Jesus preached peace to Jews (you can be religious and still not be saved) and Gentiles. Through Jesus, we have access to God by his Spirit. Eph 2:1.
We are family in God's household, the church, built on the foundation of Jesus. Jesus is doing a transforming work in our lives. All of us are joined together to be God's church, and he is building each of us to become a dwelling place for his Spirit.
★Did I come today longing for God's presence? Do I have an expectation that God will be here working through his Spirit? Don't settle for anything less than the manifest presence of God, God working in and through us.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sermon: I Am Second ... John Carruthers

John 3:30 He must increase, and I must decrease.
John 1:6-9, Luke 1:16-17 John was a forerunner to the Christ. His purpose was to preach the coming of Christ. John 3:28
- to be second, you have to submit and give control to who is first. John 3:27-30, John was full of joy and content to give all over to Christ.
- to be second, you must remain second. 1 Cor 3:7
- because I am second, I am forgiven.  Rom 3:23-25, Jn 3:16.
- because I am second, I belong to the Lord. Rom 14:8
- because I am second, I am an example. Gal 2:20
★ in my life, what is God trying to use me for?
Mt 11:28-30

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sermon: Elijah

1 Ki. 18 Elijah and the prophets of Baal.
Elijah is calling out the people of God, not the prophets of Baal. But the people were silent. He does this so that the people's hearts will be drawn back to God.
We have settled for so many gods, and waver between them and the real God.
- obedience is a huge part of being involved in God stuff. I want my life to matter. Elijah obeyed God for a looong time before this event happened. When God speaks, we should obey. 1 Ki 17:1-5, 8-10; 18:1-2 God most often speaks to us through his word.
- prayer is a huge part of being involved in God stuff. Need to be in prayer constantly. Ja 5:13-18
- there is no power in dancing.  It's not about the outward experience, it's about the heart being in tune with the one true God. Don't just follow customs, be truly linked with God in spirit.
- No wavering!!! Choose God alone, not idols. Duet 30:15-18 Don't worship ourselves, materialism, comfort, sports, tv, family, etc. Worship God alone!
- God is the hero of this story 1 Ki 8:39
★if I want to experience the supernatural fire called down from heaven, I need to be prepared by obeying, praying, being in God's word, being one with him in spirit.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Sermon: Sampson

Judges 13-16
Sampson was set apart from birth, and should never cut his hair. He fell in love with a Philistine woman. He had great strength from God, but was tricked by Delilah, and ended up captured and in prison. He died by crumbling the philistine temple and killing many philistine people.
- it is easy to get off track. Judges 13:1-5 Sampson was set apart for God from the beginning. Num 6:1-5 Along the way Sampson lost his vision. Pray to follow God's vision and obey. Judges 14:9 should not have touched a dead animal. He hid this sin, and got off track.
- stay away from bad boys and bad girls.
- if you have been crushed, you must get past it. Judges 15:1-3 Sampson was out for revenge instead of following God. We need to get over being hurt and move on with God. ★ You cannot make good decisions if you're still crushed from past hurts.
- when the world closes in on you, you need to worship and pray. Don't break down. Run back to God's arms, He's waiting for you.
- it is never ever too late to turn back to God. Judges 16:28 God heard his prayer. Sampson is in Heb chapter 11 as a man of faith.
- like Jesus, Sampson gave his life to save his people.
★ I've been crushed and need to get past it. Run to God, pray, worship. Get out of the pit, Christy!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sermon: Joseph by Cameron Cathcart

Isa 55:8-9 we look at life from our human perspective, instead of from God's perspective.
We will have trouble in this life, and its easy to get angry with God.  We need to trust him, especially in troubled times.
Gen 39:1-2 The Lord was with Joseph.
Gen 39:20-21,
You will have tribulation, but take heart because he has overcome the world.
God is sovereign

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Sermon: David and Goliath

1 Sam 17
-as always, God is the hero of the story. v46-47  David is a foreshadowing of Jesus coming in the new testament
-Goliath was not the opposition, fear and pride were. David knew it wasn't about himself, but about God. Giants in our lives are opportunities for people to see how awesome God is.
-God is watching and is preparing you for the battles ahead. v34-36. Ps 19:1-6 God knows what is coming in our lives, and is always preparing us to do his work and bring glory to God. God chooses nobodys to become somebodys to bring glory to God.
-Take the first step. v40. Don't hang back in fear, press forward in God's strength and power. But you'd better know God, and have faith in him. "Faith is belief plus unbelief, but acting on the belief part"

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sermon: The blazing furnace

Dan 3 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
-They would not bow. Dan 3:12,15-16
We have compromised long before we get to the point of the threat of life and death. "It's no big deal. Everybody's doing it." "I'll do it in secret." Dan 1:8-9, 17-19; 6:19-20 They had been serving their God day by day, continually making sacrifices for Him, keeping their eyes on Him. If I'm failing I'm the small things, I will fail in the big things.
-They would not bend. Dan 3:16-18
They knew that God could save them. They had heard the stories of old, of miracles, of God's great power. They trusted God completely. Do I have an unbending Faith in God? They didn't know if God would save them, but they still stayed strong. Even if He didn't save them, He's still God.
Even though things in my life haven't gone the way I want, God is still God, the one true God, and I need to trust Him and love Him completely. They didn't make their obedience contingent upon God doing what they wanted.
-They would not burn. Dan 3:25-27 They reached out to God and praised Him. Just as miraculous as the fourth man in the fire is Jesus showing up to live a perfect life and die for us, so that we may have life eternal with our wonderful God.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sermon: Esther

Esther 4:12-14
God used Esther to bring deliverance to his people.
- God is in control of all things!! Even in the midst of craziness. God's plans will always prevail no matter what. Take comfort in that. Prov 16:33, Dan 2:21, Col 1:15-20
- God is always at work, even when you don't see or feel him.
- God used everyday ordinary people and circumstances to accomplish his purposes. God wants to use us, and it last not be in a spectacular way
- Maybe God has put us together for such a time as this.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sermon: 2 Sam 11, 12 Troy Merceal

David and Bathsheba
2 Sam 11, 12
The man after God's own heart was out of relationship with God.
He tried to sweep things under the rug, but God knew and confronted him. He repented but still paid the consequences for his sin, then he went back to praising God.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sermon: Moses

Ex 13, 14, 15
-God's plans are always better than my plans Ex 13:17-20. Sometimes God leads us on a path that is not always the shortest or easiest route
-God allows tough circumstances in our lives for our good and his glory Ex 13:20-14:4; Rom 8:28-30
-when things get tough our first response is often to question God.  Why??  Ex 14:5-12
-Sometimes we stand still when ought to be moving on. Ex 14:13-15
-Faith is stretching out what you have, even though you don't know that what you have is going to do what you need it to do Ex 14:16-18
-never forget in the darkness what God has shown you in the light Ex 14:18-20
-God is able Ex14:21-22
-sing!! Ex 15:1-6

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Amazing Stories: Noah

Genesis 6, 7, 8
The story of Noah and the ark is a picture of the beauty of God's salvation
-the world was full of wickedness then and now. Gen 6:5, 11; Ps 51:5; Rom 5:12; Gen 9:29-21
-God judges sin. Gen 6:7, 13, 17; 7:21; there is another judgement day coming Rom 3:19-20
-Jesus is coming back someday soon (just like a flood)!  Mt 24:36-44; 2 Pet 3
-just like Noah, we need to be ready. Heb 11:12. We need to live as if this is true in our own lives.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Peace in the storm

Phil 4:4-9; Mt 8:23-27
- The fact that Jesus is in your boat does not exempt you from storms. You can not avoid storms. Mt 7:24-27; Jas 1:2-4
- Often, when you are in the midst of a storm, it seems as if Jesus is asleep. Jn 11:4-6, 14-15 Jesus delayed intentionally so that they may believe.
- Jesus is ordering the circumstances of your life to lead you to the place of crying out: LORD SAVE.
- He's in control of everything. We are in control of nothing. The question is: Are we going to trust the one who is in control of everything or the one who is in control of nothing? Mt 8:27, 6:25-34 The greatest times of stress come when we forget that someone who lives us is in control of everything
- On this side of eternity, there will never be a day when you don't need to trust the God who loves you.
- We must not be anxious, but cast all your cares on him 1 Pet 5:6-11

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Peace of mind

-It is impossible to have the peace of God, without being at peace with God.  Rom 5:1
-Don't be anxious about anything. Peace is the calm assurance that what God is doing is best. Anxiousness is being focused on our circumstances and our feelings.
3 things for peace:
-right praying Phil. 4:6 prayer, supplication (specific things in our world), and thanksgiving- the more we pray, the lower our anxiety will be
-right thinking Phil 4:7; 2:3; 3:8. It is far better to pray and experience the peace of God. Work on what thoughts we allow in our minds. Be more disciplined about what thoughts we allow to stay in our minds. Fight for the right thoughts. 2Cor 10:5; Isa 26:3; Phil 4:8; true - Jn 17:17, Jn 8:44, Ps 19:7-9, 119:165; noble -take the high road, think the best and don't run your mouth; just- righteous; pure- sexual connotations; lovely-pleasing; admirable,  excellence (human), praiseworthy (God)
- right living

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sermon: What matters most Rick T

Eccl 7:2-4 A wise man thinks of death,  because it reminds us of what matters most in our lives.  Life is a precious gift,and if we are wise, we will spend it wisely.
Life apart from living for God is meaningless. Eccl 2:12-16.
1. Since each day is a gift, we need to treasure people and our time with them. Eccl 9:9 invest in those around you, seek to bless them, treasure them
2. Since each day is a gift, we need to treasure our day to day lives. Eccl 5:18-20, 2:24-25, 3:12-13, 7:14, 5:15, 4:6, 2:1-11, 5:10-11, 6:9 Enjoy what we have, but remember we can't take it with us. Stuff does not equal satisfaction.
3. Since each day is a gift, what matters most is to treasure God above all else. Eccl 12:9-14 Fear God and keep his commands, honor, worship, obey Him. Trust in Him.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sermon: Three words that can change your life- "Has no one condemned you? Neither do I." RickT

Prov. 12:18 Reckless words pierce like swords,  but the tongue of the wise brings healing."
Jn. 8:1-11 Words that have the power to change lives,  "Neither do I" (condemn you)
1. our words and our actions have the power to change lives, choose to bring healing and hope with my words
2. We have the choice to treat people like Jesus did, or like the Pharisees did
Don't be critical and judgemental of others Mt 7:1-5
3. We are no better or worse than this woman- we all have our own sinful areas and needs.  "Go and leave your life of sin."

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sermon: ... but Christ has indeed been raised

1 cor. 15:12-22
If Christ has not been raised from the dead, then our preaching and our faith are useless and we are still in our sins, are hopeless and should be pitied
But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, therefore we have a relationship with him, and this should directly affect my life.
Ps 103:8-13
My salvation is in Christ
My life is for him
My eternity is with him

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sermon: The Art of Forgiveness

The art of forgiveness: part 1
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each another, just as in Christ God forgave you.
-Unforgiveness is sin, do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God
-the opposite of forgiveness is really ugly v.31 bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, malice
-deal with unforgiveness right now v.26 do not let the sun go down on your anger.
-be nice! v.32 be kind and compassionate to one another
-be an example v.22-24, 5:1-2 put on the new self, use God's strength and power

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sermon: Forgiveness - How many times?

Mt18:21-35 We have been forgiven a debt we could not pay, and that should translate horizontally to others
Mt18:15-20 gives the steps for forgiving others
-we have been forgiven an unpayable debt, God wrote it all off, just like the servant in the story
-because you've been forgiven, you must forgive
-unforgiveness affects everyone
-we don't forgive to earn our salvation,  we forgive because of our salvation
-this is God stuff, we aren't able to do it on our own
Forgiveness is a decision to release someone from the debt they owe you

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Sermon: Revive - radical obedience

Isaiah 6:1-8
v8 Here am I, send me
-this is the most spectacular invitation ever, don't treat it like we have the right to say no.
-we never really serve Him,  we are always the benefactors. Even as we serve Him, we benefit.  Acts17:24-28 it's a win-win situation and a privilege
-there's no plan b. God wants to use me.
-it's not always easy. Isaiah 6:9-13
-this invitation is more about my heart than my head

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sermon: Revive- still amazing

Isaiah 6:6-7 from woe to salvation
The gospel story is still amazing
Perhaps the coal was blood soaked from all of the sacrifices. "Your guilt has been removed, and your sin atoned for."
Jesus came to atone for our sins, to save us from staying shattered and broken.
Heavenly sorrow- leads to repentance
Worldly sorrow- sad that you got caught

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sermon:Revive- Shattered

Isaiah 6:5 "Woe to me; I am ruined!"
Woe- an impassioned expression of grief and despair
Ruined- undone, shattered
As Isaiah became aware of God's holiness, he realized how unholy he was, and he confesses and repents of his sins
-We are born with a sin nature
-We have a wicked heart
-we need to repent of our sins

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sermon:Why are you so afraid? RickT

Fear is always with us.  It would like to rule over us. Fear can help us too.
Mk4:35-41 you of little faith, why are you so afraid?
-When we are faced with something hard, we can respond in fear or faith.
Fear can keep us from doing great things. Choose to be overwhelmed by God, not fear. We have other information-Gods wisdom and power-that we can believe in
-God is not asleep. ps121:1-4  He is always with us
-Not all fear is bad. Fear can make us rely on God, be in awe of him, revere Him
Rest in Gods presence, promise and power. Follow Him.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sermon: Revive- Holy, Holy, Holy

Isaiah 6:1-8
What I believe about God affects every area in my life
-God is alive! In the middle of everything in my life, God is alive.  Rev22:13, Psalm 90:1-4,
-God is in charge! Isaiah6:1, 46:10 I don't have to worry, he's got it
-God is holy, holy, holy!  v.3 understanding his holiness makes his love so unbelievable Eze1:27-28, Rev4:1-11,
-God is glorious! He's not done yet.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sermon- Revive: The Crisis

There are times that we become complacent because we think there won't be any crisis
Move from complacency to revival- renewed interest after complacency
It's easy to become complacent about the things of God
Isaiah 6:1-8
v1 in the year king Uzziah died
The crisis changed everything. (i.e. 9/11) 2chronicles 26:1-5, 16-23 Uzziah was king for 52 years, the people were comfortable. Uzziah sinned and God gave him leprosy. In that moment everything changed.
We are not exempt from spiritual complacency, all we have to do is nothing.
It is very possible to look religious,  but be complacent.  Isaiah1:10-15 going through the motions is detestable to God mt15
Our culture is bent toward spiritual complacency
At some point, God will shake us from our complacency

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sermon: when you fast Mt6:16-18

Fasting is a biblical expectation Mt9:14-17
Fast while we are waiting for Christ to return
Fasting-voluntarily giving up food for a time in order to increase my hunger for the things of God
We are more hungry for the things of the world, and have such little hunger for God
Fasting helps us with our "buts" - helps us learn to put God first, in front of all the distractions
Phil3:18-20 eagerly await his return
Eccl2:11-12 we chase the things of the world
1Cor9:24-27 run to get the prize
1Pet2:11 abstain from sinful desires which wage war against your soul
Col2:21-23 don't fast for the wrong reasons; fasting is not about us, it's about God! Zech7:5
Right reasons: center our focus on God Isa58:1-14 tells us God's kind of fast- to set us free, break our addictions, make us more generous, heal us, make us more righteous, God will have my back and will be our help, he will strengthen and refresh us

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sermon: Abba, Daddy

Prayer begins with 'Daddy', "Our Father"
Our Father knows our voice and exactly what we need
Praise Him,  "hallowed be his name"
Job 1:21
"Your kingdom come, your will be done" it's not about us and what we want. God, change us to want Your will, not ours
"Give us this day our daily bread" our requests Jas 4:1-3,
"Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors" Forgive! Love others! Ps. 103:11-13
"Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil" there is an evil one and he wants to mess us up

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Man does not live by bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God

Jesus set the perfect example for how to escape temptation for food. Rely on the truth of God's Word to help you. Truth is powerful, the more saturated in truth we are, the stronger we will be at resisting temptations and directing our cravings to where they should be directed - God, the author of all truth.
Desperation breeds defeat. How often do I trade healthy food for junk food? What temporary treasures have I craved so much that I gave up lasting victory? 1 Cor. 10:13 "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." God's "way out" is to plan ahead what I will and will not eat each day. Prevent the control that food can have on my life. Think before you eat!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

That the eyes of your heart may be enlightened

Ephesians 1:18-19 I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which God has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe.
Play this truth in your head when you think you can't do it or you'll do better tomorrow. You are worth more! You were made for more! Rewrite the negative scripts in your head by speaking truth.
God is completely devoted to me, so why aren't I (devoted to Him AND to myself)? Know that He is with me everywhere, all the time, ready to strengthen and uphold me. He has conquered the world, so I can conquer temptation and sin.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Relax in my healing presence

Bring your mind back to me for refreshment and renewal. I will equip you to face whatever the day brings.
God does not tell you what He is going to do; He reveals to you Who He is. Let the attitude of your life be a continual "going out" in dependence upon God, and your life will have an ineffable charm about it which is a satisfaction to Jesus.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Come to me with a teachable spirit, eager to be changed

Don't cling to old ways, but be ready to be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Be attentive to me, know the plans I have for you are good. I love you!!!

An undue amount of thought and consideration for ourselves is what keeps us from being our best for Him. Be determined that nothing will stop you from doing what God wants. Surrender to him.